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      The day this all started it was a beautiful day in Japan. My teacher Mr. Aizawa and I had our first time in the classroom. I had been so in love with him since he had saved me back as Eraserhead. I had no idea they were the same person but as time moved on between my classes at U.A. and other things in my life I realized either way he was a great man I was in love with.

    But that day I was late returning home and caught sight of my Sensei doing something to my name that would root me to my core and make fire flood my body. I was at first in shock to see my Sensei jerking himself off but it seemed like he couldn't get himself there because it was no substitute for the real thing. I then hear him slam his hand on the desk as he says,"Damn it! Every woman looks like her to me and all I want is her. Why??"

    I smile as I walk in locking the door flicking the lights off and pushing him in his chair. Due to my families quirk I was allowed a slightly higher skirt then most girls in my class. My tail swayed as my heels I wore tapped across the ground.

Tap, Tap, Tap.

Once I reached him I leaned down as my tail had wrapped around his thickness and he shivered as I whispered,"Ah Sensei, such a bad Sensei dreaming about his student. But I can't deny that I'm not a bad student who hasn't dreamed of my Sensei bending me over his desk and having his dirty way with me either. I want sensei too but I don't want sensei to get into trouble. But watching sensei wasn't my style either."

   At this I slide down to my knees and take his length into my mouth humming at the sweet rich taste. Aizawa gasps and grips my head as he tries to keep from thrusting in my mouth. I groan and he started thrusting in my mouth with abandon until he cums. I smile and stand up removing my underwear as I slide down on his hard thick erection. Being my first time I whimpered and cried a bit. He kept still as I udjusted to his thick grit and size. Once finished adjusting to him I started rolling my hips in ways and bouncing on his length in his lap as he moaned my name. Him thinking I'm Midnight Sensei says,"God Midnight I'm going to be calling you her name from now on I love her so much she's all I want anymore."

    I groan and nip his neck softly saying,"Don't call me Midnight Sensei's name Sensei. Call my name like when you were jerking yourself off Sensei."

   He starts panting and thrusting deeper in me. He pants and thrust deeper hitting my womb each and every time.  Finally a loud groan leaves his lips as he cums inside of me. I groan as I also let my liquids come around him squeezing him tightly. Once we catch our breath he flicks on the table lamp and freezes as my ears flicker and he stutters out my name,"(y-y-y/n)? How... we... you... this is so illegal!!"

   I smile and my tail comes around me as I say it won't be any trouble plus I love Sensei too."

   He sighs and says,"Still doesn't make it right (Y/N). I'm your teacher plus I'm much older than you. This is so going to get me fired."

    I sigh and shake my head as I clean myself up before leaving him in disarray that I wasn't more freaked out over what had happened.

    The next few months passed by quickly and I kept feeling sicker  and sicker. Finally one day I fully passed out in training and ended up with recovery girl who said," My my deary one would think they'd be more careful when active in certain ways these days."

   I cock my head and she says,"Dear girl your pregnant."

   I smile but then sigh and say," I'm going to go give someone a call."

   She nods as I walk out and call my legal guardian my aunt in Europe because both of my parents are deceased. I explained everything and the rest of my family  were ecstatic to have a baby around. I then slowly walked to Nezu's office and explained everything. He sighs and says,"Aizawa does have a point though you are his student but your situation is complex too. So there is no one way street here. This is your call. I also got a letter asking for a student to do a half year in Europe for the Honor program and your family is in Europe Miss (Y/N) so I would really sit down and think what is best for you him and everyone. "

    At the end of that week I was on a plane back to my family in Europe leaving everything in a man a home and a family behind me hoping that everything would still be the same when I got back.

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