Starting U.A.

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   Today I sit beside mom on the way to Japan. I was accepted to the Japanese U.A. with my other two sisters and my brother. My oldest sister was adopted but she's still family. I've never seen a difference. We are still very odd. I got my mother's cat ears and tail along with my father's erasing quirk. My brother has father's erasing quirk and mom's sound /music quirk. My other sister has a very rare quirk called the goddess quirk she can do any creation she choses be it people or what not. My adopted sister has a demon quirk. But as we all look out at Japan we wonder how this world will go for us.

    Once we touch down in Japan me and the others groan at how jet lag we were. We all went to the terminal and got our bags from the conveyor belt before seeing a man with black hair in black clothes with a small white animal on his shoulder. We walk over and upon closer inspection I say," Ah crap Nezu I'm going to kill you I swear!!!"

   He smiles and tugs Aizawa as he says," I'm going to have to run and very fast."

    I walk over and say," Hullo Aizawa nice to see you again. May I introduce the four new students to attend U.A. Kids say your names, Your full names..."

   They all nod and each bows as they say," Ayame Aizawa, Kyle Shoto Aizawa, Jasmine Aizawa and Josephine Lopez. Very nice to meet you sir."

    Shota freezes and stares at me as I say alright one thing before leaving here to go get dinner so no food items!"

    My ears twitch as my tail sways as he says," So that's why Nezu wanted me to do a swab test for! God's why the heck didn't you.... I'm so angry with you right now. You didn't even let me know my own kids!!!"

    I flinch and glare at Nezu as I say," You told me you'd explain this to him when the first chance came yet you didn't Nezu!"

    We both sigh and I say, " I had triplets. The last one I adopted she's a year older.  I thought I'd be back in six months tops but Nezu didn't tell me the Honors program was a five year program across the continents. He basically wanted me as far away from you as I could go because he wanted you not to retire to look after your kids and such. I knew you never would and I would have never asked you to. I would've retired in a heart beat for our kids. But being a single mother in my family yeah I still worked and still ended up with a huge fan base. I even talk about you on the fan bases and am your number one fan and follower as well as stating we are married to keep the others away because I still very much love you. But I know I'm nothing like Midnight."

     He sighs and just smiles. Then he says," After that day I couldn't get you out of my head I stopped looking for things like that. I may have had sex twice because I was so drunk I don't remember and Hizashi took me out so yeah. But that was because I was depressed right after you left. I still love you and want to be with you if you'll let me and that's what you want. I mean yeah we'll have to get to know each other again but I only want you as well as I don't want to be an absentee father anymore."

     I smile as the kids show back up. Jasmine got a new book I'd have to get her a new bookshelf soon. Kyle went after a cat toy he liked with cat nip. His quirk must have activated because he's beet red. I just laughed at this. Ayame went with a traditional Kimono, a very pretty  one in fact. Josephine ended up catching a pick pocket in her honey trap so she still looking. Aizawa and I go over as she sighs. I then say," What's wrong sweetheart?"

   She sighs and says,"Nothing catches my attention. It's all hero memrobil and the hero I like isn't even that big of a deal anyways so there wouldn't be any of them. Books don't appeal to me and the cellphone charms are outdated. Maybe some sweets for after we go out but I honestly don't know."

    I smile and Aizawa says," Why not go look at the other stores you don't have to follow your siblings likes or dislikes. Be yourself."

   She then took a walk around and stops in front of a weapons store and grabs a wooden sword but also a memorial stone to place on her small shrine to her mother at home. I smile as we leave and everyone choses what we should eat. They had all asked for sushi and I said,"Its not the same as we had in Europe or America though."

    They all nod as we go to a sushi place that Aizawa knows of. After that we head off to U.A. because the kids chose to stay in the dorms and I'll be staying with Aizawa until the estate is cleaned up for me to move in again.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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