The Phone Call

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Steph's P.O.V - Tuesday

You started off your morning like any other morning. You mean yourself a tea, and eat a granola bar. You brush your teeth, start doing your makeup, then curl your hair, and finally get dressed. You wear: baize pants with a white crop top with a burgundy cardigan. You walked to your job since it's only few blocks away from your place. But on the way to work you go into Starbucks and order a Double Chocolate Chip Frap, with a sausage and cheddar sandwich. You walk into your job and head up to your office. You say hi and talk for a little to fellow co- workers on the way there. You step in your office and set your stuff down. You check your answering machine to see if you have any calls. None. You go on your computer and look at yesterday's photos from the photo shoot. Your phone starts to ring.

YOU: "Hi, Stephanie from Photography Studios, how can I help you?"

JOEY: "Yea hi, my name is Joey Gatto, me and my friends make videos on YouTube".

YOU: "Okay, what do you need?"

JOEY: " Well we wanted to know if we can have a photo shoot sometime this week.

YOU: " Okay yea that's fine, but you and your friends and I are going to have to sit down and discuss, um let me see I'm free tomorrow"

JOEY: " Yea tomorrow is great!"

YOU: "Okay so what about 2:00 (PM) here at my room #23?"

JOEY: "Yea that's perfect thank you very much! Thanks a lot see you tomorrow."

YOU: "Anytime, okay see you tomorrow!"

*The Call Ends*

After the call you look up Joey Gatto and see his channel and also see the channel he was probably talking about. "SDK". You write it down in your notes on your phone and get back to work.

Hey guys!

I hope you enjoy this chapter and the rest of the story!

Thanks lmfaoooo, k bye now :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2014 ⏰

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