Writing Prompt

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Okay so I suddenly came up with this right before I was about to go to sleep. I'm probably not going to make anything out of this so I thought it would be cool if anyone of you did. Originally, I was going to have the MC be the protagonist, like usual books, but I thought it would be a really good plot twist to have the MC die at the end and reveal they were the villain all along and that their goal would forever be left unfinished and flashbacks would fill in small holes. Then, the next book could be about what happens with the protagonists and how the villain's choice was becoming more right the longer they saw what was really happening. Anyway, here's the writing prompt. Sorry for the long wait.


There is a world of fantasy, adventure, magic, happiness, and the thing you want most. Every wish has a way to be granted. That world is called Contritum. Beings can attain tremendous feats with their wish. It can be beautiful, breathtaking, and awesome. Especially in the crown country Sagi, set in a large, open valley. The rolling hills and roaring waterfalls are the greatest in the world.

People are much different there than they are here. In a few territories women bathe in the lakes and oceans and their bodies and minds become so accustomed to the water, they live in it. Their lives are so long they forget others aren't as skilled as them and many deaths end up as a result. Men become so passionate about making reality bend to their will, they grow old and forget about cutting their hair and don long robes and pointed caps.

In civilized cities within the valley people know no hardship or discomfort. Work is simple and fruitful, schools teach nearly anything they would supposedly need to know and nothing else. Food shortages are unheard of and healers are plenty and cheap. It almost feels like a safe haven.

But what about outside the crown country?
What about the ill wishes mortals carry deep in their hearts? Whenever you travel outside the valley, it seems restricted. Smooth and beautiful yes, but it appears so practiced and stale. Every now and then you catch a glimpse of something questionable. Mages secure that you never see what really happens. A child being drowned, a fight of fire and ice between two women, a father being ripped away from his family by a tyrant king, even if you catch a glimpse, it disappears and you don't remember it.

Cities are controlled by cruel dictators who crave the screams of anguish and desperation. Epidemics mysteriously wipe out entire nations in favor of an individual. Powerful warlocks paint the world with blood and sorcery, focusing only on their fame and power. Individuals are forced to comply to sinful acts and shunned by society. Young adults are condemned to a life of undeserved bullying and mockery, not a day going by without a breakdown because their misfortune. Children are controlled to commit unspeakable things, only to be tossed away and left alone with their trauma and grief.

They have forgotten Contritum means broken.

There is a world filled with hatred, cruelty, deceit, desperation, selfishness, and grief.

A world where every wish has a way to be granted, is absolutely terrifying.

Reveal the main character is the villain either 75% through, or with their death at the end leaving their quest unfulfilled. Have flashback chapter after, filling in holes.
MC tries with allies to ruin the wishes of the heirs to the crown city and other nations to stop the deceit of a perfect life and tyranny. Crown city sends small group (protagonists) to stop them.
Crown city feed lies of a perfect world in order to retain some good people. Really just leaving them unprepared to the real world and causing conflict with other countries. MC attempts to stop them and other from completing their selfish wishes.

So pretty much the world is really really bad because magic exists and any wish is granted if the person goes through a quest, this higher the wish the bigger the quest. The MC sees how the main, crown city is false and corrupt, sort of like Ba Sing Se in Avatar The Last Airbender, and tries to reveal the truth while stopping the cruel wishes of other tyrants. Well, the protagonists believe the crown city is protecting them instead of the deprivation and brainwashing they're actually doing. In the end when the MC dies, they turn out to be painted as the villain who was trying to bring down the greatest city for their own gain. Their goal left undone. The next chapter is flashbacks filling holes to show how they seem like the villain.

Next book, if you write one, could be from the protagonists view and journey during the first book. I think it would be good as the protagonists view of what chaos and deceit ensues after the only threat to the crown city dies and how they slowly start to see the original MC was right. Or, the MC could turn out be wrong as well. Or maybe it all could be a dream in a coma.

Anyway, that's all I have for right now so... let me know if you actually use this at all! Or at least tell what you think of it. Remember, it's only a writing prompt so there will be some holes and things that need to be explained. BAI!

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