Chapter 1

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      "Do you want to be labeled a freak Fraeya? People won't like you if you're different! You can't do this anymore, and I'm going to make sure you don't." My mother grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me down to the basement, locking the door behind me. I pounded on the door, screaming for my mom to let me out. 

     A few minutes later I heard someone knocking on the front door. I pressed my ear against the door to try and hear what was going on. "Look woman! I only helped you last time because of your husband's death! Don't try and make this a regular thing!" I could hear my mom start crying. "Please, all I need you is just remove a few memories and then we'll leave you alone."

     I heard footsteps coming towards the basement. I ran to the corner of the room. The door opened and they walked up to me. He grabbed me by the chin and his eyes started to glow. A few seconds later I blacked out.

     I woke up with a throbbing headache. "Mom!" I screamed from my bedroom, no response. "You've got to be kidding me." I finally got out of the bed and went to the bathroom to look for some aspirin.

     My hair was crazy and all over my face. I looked like some little girl from a horror movie. I brushed it up into a bun and looked into the mirror. "What the f-" I heard a knock on the door. "Frayea, why did you call me?" 

     I placed my foot on the door to keep my mom from coming in. "What are you doing in there? My mom said trying to open the door. I looked at the mirror again, hoping that it was just my imagination. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and reopened them. "Okay Fraeya you're fine, it's just your imagination. Why would your eyes be orange? You aren't a warlock!" I thought to myself. 

     "What are you doing in here you crazy child? You're nothing but trouble! I don't have time for your shenanigans!" My mom busted into the bathroom. Quick, think of something. You didn't do anything wrong. "I didn't do anything, I'm innocent!" I screamed. My mom looked at me as if I should be sent to a mental hospital. 

     "You have issues." My mom muttered under her breath. "Hurry up and get ready for your training today! You better behave today!" I scoffed at my mom as she backed away from the bathroom door.

    I grabbed my hoodie and walked out the door. "Bye, mom! I'm going to go and not cause any trouble. I looked at my watch with a worried face. "No, you will not be late! You can do this!" I thought to myself. 

     I suddenly had a great idea. I stared at the fence in front of me. "Jump the fence. Be one with the fence." I started spouting nonsense to myself. I grabbed onto the top of the fence and pushed myself up.  I jumped down from the fence and landed on something hard.

     "Watch what you're doing!" Someone said from under me. I slowly got up, embarrassed. "I'm so sorry!". It took me a few seconds to realized what he was. "You're a warlock!" I said, not knowing what to do.

     "I already knew that but thanks for reminding me." I scoffed at his remark. All warlocks are the same, nothing but trouble! I got up and ran to the training facility across the road. "Fraeya Dognes, you're late!" I stopped dead in my tracks. This was it, this is the day Fraeya Dognes died. "Headmaster Nullmanre, so nice to see you! You look amazing today." Headmaster Nullmanre glared at me. "10 extra laps for you!" I tried not to say anything with my big mouth. I always seem to get in trouble for the dumbest reasons!"

     My best friend Belanor ran up to me laughing. "Shut your mouth before I shut it for you!" I yelled at her. Belanor gasped at me. "Ugh, you're so rude to me." I was about to reply with a snarky remark when someone running knocks me over. I quickly put my leg out and they fell to the ground. "Idiot," I said before walking away. "Hey, I'll come with you! Belanor said running after me.

     "You can't keep doing this Fraeya!" Belanor said to me as we sat on the fence. "What do you mean?" I said, perplexed. "You've been like this ever since your father's death! You can't push people away forever just because you don't want to get close to anyone.

     My father, it's been so long I can't even remember him. I feel like every day I forget more and more about him. I fear the day that I can no longer even remotely remember him. No pictures of him, no memories, no anything. How am I supposed to remember someone I don't know?

     "Whatever, I'm going home." Belanor frowned at me "Bye." I jumped off the fence and began my walk home. I was walking with my head down when I bumped into someone...again. "Are you serious?" I said sick and tired of my clumsiness. I got up from the ground and looked to see who it was.

     "It's you again!" it was the same guy from earlier this morning. Why, why do I keep bumping into this guy. "This must be fate! You're so lucky!" I stared at him with a blank expression. "I didn't know someone could have such a big ego." He grinned at me. "I have bigger things!" I stared at him like a deer in headlights. 

     "Disgusting creature," I said trying to walk away as fast as possible. He grabbed me by my arm and swung me around. I was inches away from his face. He smelt so good. So many thoughts were in my mind. My heart was racing. "Wh-what do you want now?" I manage to form a sentence.

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