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sorry for the spelling mistakes it's my first time writing a story


It was monday morning, my alarm clock stated to beep I got up from my bed and went to my closet and changed into white t-shirt that says "I don't give a fuck" and black ripped jeans. I was about to go to the bathroom when my little brother kyle pushed me away and said "get out of the way deka, I gatta pee" I sighed and went to the kitchen to see my mom making pancakes for breakfast "good morning baby" she said with a smile "good morning mama" I said while reaching out for a plates "so are you exited to go to school?" she said as she put the last pancake on the big plate of pancakes "no,not really" I grabbed the plates and pancakes and placed them on the center of the table "and why is that?" as she grabs  the syrup "because it's going to be the same drama, the same kids who don't give a fuck" I say as I pass the plates on the table "ya know,people change deka" I just shrug my shoulders "Michael, Kyle, come get your breakfast!" when mama yelled two of my brothers was pushing each other down the stares "both of y'all better stop fighting or else I'ma whoopee your asses" both of my brothers stopped fighting and went to sit down at the table to eat. When everyone was done eating mama got the plates and went to wash them, as for me and my brothers went to give her a goodbye kiss on her cheek , then we went out the front door and waited for the bus

271  words. also if it's short I'm working on this at school 

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