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      What Ethan said to me yesterday night was confusing. I stayed up until 3am thinking, and trying to process what he said to me, and why.
      When i walked downstairs the next morning, i looked at the dining table to see if Dylan was there....he wasn't. "Where's Dylan?" i asked Jax, and he kinda just stood there for a minute, looking at me like i was dumb. "he left last night" he said, then turned and looked away, "he told us that he didn't need us." Jax was sad, and i could tell.
      "Where'd he go?" i said tearing up a bit. "I don't fucking know Haisley, just stop asking questions!" Jax walked up to his room. why was everyone so fucking upset? It's not like they treated him right or anything.

      "I'm going to the store!" i yelled from downstairs, "text me if we need anything!" i heard someone's door open, it was Ethan's door. "you're not going alone." he said in an angry voice.
      "what?! why not!? i always go to the store alone!" i crossed my arms, i hated them so much sometimes. "Jax doesn't want you to go anywhere alone." we slowly made his way downstairs. i roll my eyes, "well, i'm going alone anyways!" i rushed out the door, slamming it behind me, then i make a mad dash for the store, that's downtown. I hear Ethan running behind me, i know he's way faster then me, but i continue to run anyway.
      When he caught up to me, he picked me up, and basically carried me home. "can you put me down now?? i'm not a baby ethan!" i was beyond pissed, why can't i go to the store by myself anymore?
       Ethan set me down, then playfully pushed me towards the door, "jackass." i quickly turned and looked at him, then looked away. As i walked inside i saw all the boys on the couch, i looked at them, then ran upstairs. "Haisley!" Jax yelled, "come downstairs please?" i ignored him, and locked my door. I heard footsteps, then a knock on my door. "go away!" i yelled. god, i'm so excited to move out of the house.
      "Haisley, if you come downstairs we'll explain everything!" Jax was lying. "HA YOURE FUNNY!" i yelled back, being as sarcastic as i could possibly be.  It's gonna be a long night, i thought.
     I couldn't explain how excited i was to get out of the house, and go to school. I quickly got ready, then ran downstairs, grabbed my backpack, then walked out the door. I didn't even eat breakfast, which is new, because i always ate breakfast with my brothers.
    I heard the front door open behind me, so i turned my head quickly, and there was Landon. I looked forward again, "go away Landon." i said trying to stay calm. "Haisley....we want you to come and talk with us."
"well, i don't want to talk to you guys." i emphasized the word "want", because i knew it pissed him off whenever i did that. I started walking a little faster, and eventually Landon walked back to the house. My phone kept vibrating, they were blowing up my fucking phone, so i turned it all the way off.

Once i got to school, i saw the twins, and tried to avoid them completely, but eventually they saw me, and started to walk towards me. Me being me, i turned the opposite direction, and ran into the bathroom. "fuck!" i whispered to myself. The twins were literally the most popular people in school, and they could ask literally anyone to come into the bathroom, and get me. I quickly left the bathroom, and walked to my first class.
Once it was lunch time, i ran to the cafeteria, avoiding the twins entirely. They've seen me like 5 times throughout the day. I saw them as soon as i opened the door to the cafeteria. "god damnit!", as soon as i said that, i saw Zane, i ran over to him. "hey!" he said.
I smiled, "hi!" i laughed a little, "can i sit with you?" i looked back at the twins, and they were glaring at me and Zane. Zane looked where i was looking, "who are they?", he sounded really curious, "they're my stupid brothers." i sighed, and sat next to him, "they won't do anything to you, i won't let them." is it bad that i wanted to kill my own brothers, i mean yeah i tried
to stick up for Dylan a couple days ago, but right now i wanted to kill the twins. They're getting on my nerves.
"I'll be back." i said, while standing up. I walked over to the twins, "Why do you guys keep staring at me!? i'm not doing anything wrong! i finally made a friend, and you guys are going to try and ruin it for me! Why can't i ever have something that i want hug? i never ask for anything! anything! and all i get from that is you two acting like fucking 4 year olds! Yes he's a boy, i don't like like him, he's just a friend! so stop trying to ruin my friendship with someone for once! my god!" this wasn't the first time they tried to ruin a friendship of mine.
Ethan stood up, and started walking towards Zane. "ETHAN GRANT BROWN, STOP!" ((their last name is brown in this story, so don't get sister triggered)) He turned and looked at me, then looked back at Zane, "i don't trust him!" Ethan was really embarrassed because i said his middle name. "Why?! he such a nice person, and unlike you he's actually a gentleman!" I was shaking, that's how pissed i was. Ethan sighed, then sat back down. I rolled my eyes, then sat down again, i didn't realize how bad i was shaking, until Zane pointed it out. "Haisley you're shaking really badly, are you ok?" i looked down at my hands, "y-yeah i'm f-fine." he gently grabbed my hands, which i didn't really mind, because he was my friend, "it'll be ok Haisley." he looked down at my hands, then back up at me, and smiled. I smiled back, then looked down at my food and started eating.

     After school, i had to go to the twins football practice, it was so boring. I hate going to their practices, it's suckssss, i know nothing about football!
heyyyyyyy, this chapter is really long, lmao, but i hope you like it! the ending doesn't really make sense, but oh well ❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2018 ⏰

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