Point of interest

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"A lot happened today, huh Karroto ?" Naruko asked quietly as the two made their way to her home.

"Yeah... It's been a long day." Karroto agreed wholeheartedly.

"Mmm hmm."

The two fell into a comfortable silence. With Naruko sneaking glances at Karroto before looking back forward only to repeat the process.

"Think we'll do good on the Chunin Exams?" Karroto asked, curious to hear her thoughts.

"Of course we will! We're going to kick that exams ass, dattebayo!" Naruko said with a little fist pump.

Karroto smiled at the answer.

As the pair approached Naruko's home, she turned and gave him a strained smile.

"Karroto ?"

He blinked. "Yeah?"

"After we're done with the Chunin Exams... Let's talk, okay?" She nearly whispered looking embarrassed.

Karroto stared at her for several long, drawn out moments.


She gave him a genuine smile as she leaned forward and pecked him on the cheek before waving goodbye with a tinge of pink on her cheeks.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

As Karroto made his way towards home, one hand on the cheek where she kissed him, Karroto's thoughts were filled with the exhausting events of the day.

Next day~

Karroto's attention was solely locked onto his two teammates walking towards him.

Sasuke and Karroto locked eyes, and gave each other nods.

Naruko and Karroto locked eyes, and gave each other nods with small smiles.

No words were needed.

"Let's Go." Sasuke commanded as he took the lead, Naruko and Karroto flanking each side.


Once the got inside they came to a halt when they saw another team seeming to also be taking place in the exam.

Naruko and Sasuke began to size the team up to try and judge there strength by looks alone. Karroto on the other hand was staring the red head in the center who happen to be staring right back at him.

The blonde girl was the first one to break the silence when she walked up in front of Karroto.

"Hey cutie, what's your name." Karroto couldn't help but blink a bit. Was she...hitting on him.

Sasuke didn't seem to really care still sizing up the other team, but Naruko was fuming.

'Who does this girl think she is. Like hell im just going to let you walk up and take Karroto.' Naruko thought to herself before stepping in between the two.

"It's proper manners to give your own name before asking for someone elses" Naruko snipped back at her as Sasuke smirked.

The boy on the left came to her defense, clearly not liking the tone Naruko used.

"Oh yeah? Let's see you talk about proper manners while I'm-"

"Shutup, Kankuro."

All eyes snapped to the redhead, and a chill was felt by everyone.

"I am Sabaku no Gaara." Gaara spoke, his eyes still staring directly at Karroto .

Nobody moved. Nobody spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2023 ⏰

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