Honor Bound

64 17 23

They chased him through the salt marsh. Six horses stomping through knee length muck. Cobalt dug his heels into his horse's side and urged it on. They had caught him unawares, all he had on was his boot and his cotton tunic.

He could hear them behind him. He had no idea where he was running to but he needed to get away. "Come on," he growled. But his horse was already going so fast, it seemed to be running on water.

He hoped the rumors weren't true and the others hadn't turned. He hoped the messenger got to the Capital before they found him. If not, it was all lost.

He had just began to think he had outrun them when he felt a whoosh and a sting in his back. The force threw him off his horse, into the air and down to a skidding stop. He could hear as the beast continued onwards without him.

He heard panting horses come to a stop around him. He was in excruciating pain and he was struggling to breathe. A torch was lit and the light was blindingly bright.

"He's alive," said a voice.

"Get him up," said another.

Two rough hands jerked him up to his knees. His wet tunic was heavy with the stink of the marsh.

"That was a chase," said a gravelly voice. Cobalt could recognise that voice anywhere. It was Red Sol.

"But its quite needless, I must say," said Red Sol. "You could just have told us what we wanted."

No. Cobalt wanted to say. But all he could manage was a chest racking cough and blood.

Red Sol sighed. "You are the only Keeper left. All the others have joined us."

"Good for them," Cobalt managed to say. He spat blood and smiled a bitter smile.

"Where is the King who knighted you?" said Red Sol, turning a wide circle.

Cobalt winced as he felt another wave of pain down his back. It seemed like he was carrying a ton of lead.

Red Sol knelt before him, his boots splashing in the water. "Where are the keys?"

Cobalt shook his head, that was all he could manage.

"Very well then," said Red Sol, standing up.
"Be done with him," he said to his companions. "This is not the time for heroes."

Cobalt didn't feel the pain as the sword pierced his chest. He sank slowly into the muck. Red Sol's eyes never left his.

"Why do you choose to die so horribly?" said Red Sol.

"I am honor bound," said a dying Cobalt. He had never felt surer of himself.

Red Sol bit his lip and nodded. "The world is no place for good men," he said.

The last thing Cobalt saw was the sun slowly staining the dark sky golden.

Word Count: 468

Honor Bound (#JustWriteDay 24 hour challenge) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora