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Take blindfolds off of them-jungkook heard from some there back,he really couldn't see anything with fucking blindfold on,that shits placed at his and taehyung's eyes then they came to a stop with car ,he doesn't knows there they are but it seems that they are at kind of chilly place.

Jungkook squinted his eyes then blindfold was took off of him,looking around he could see taehyung at the chair all tied up looking at him with same confused eyes as he had right now he could also see that they were at some kind of abandoned old b...

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Jungkook squinted his eyes then blindfold was took off of him,looking around he could see taehyung at the chair all tied up looking at him with same confused eyes as he had right now he could also see that they were at some kind of abandoned old building what doesn't had a windows,they were at some kind of hall,where were two men who took blindfolds off of him one of them was one who placed gun at taehyung's head ,remembering this jungkook started to glare at him even though it was no use,then he heard someone chuckling behind him-I always considered myself as a lucky person but look at me now killing to rabbit at one shot-said that man while going out of his place and standing in front of jungkook-but that not a surprising thing,but you two being two beautiful love birds is some thing to be surprised of-wow jungkook never ever in his life through that someone would be more sarcastic then his brother-because really.should not park's and min's be enemies?-he asked with questioning look and that satisfied smile that taehyung oh so much wanted to hit off of him-it's none of your business-taehyung knew that he was playing with fire especially by that asshole's little bit angry look but he also knew that this shit wouldn't kill him before he would get money so he doesn't really cares-what the fuck you want from us?-he said with stern and calm voice,he knew being angry at this situation was dumb and it would give him nothing-money,park,money-he said with big smirk at his face like he could already see money in his hands-of course money-jungkook hissed out,he seemed to be angry especially at that Minho because he was glaring at him all the time,if glares could kill,that guy would have been dead already his funeral all done and everything-not every one is born in rich family,my prince-his sarcasm was to much,jungkook was at the verge of screaming at him but that man stopped him because he started to laugh-what are you laughing at?-taehyung asked with confused at creeped out look-I just can....imagine your brothers faces...then they will know truth about you...yo..you two-he said while panting and still laughing little a bit,jungkook looked at taehyung and silver haired boy had knowing look at his face,of course then their brothers come they will know truth,that means that they won't be able to be together anymore something they can't survive or they will run away that will be same hard as first choice because it's hard to leave your family.so what that they have bad relationship or even distant there is always memories and hope that everything will get better it's not easy to leave it but then again how can you leave someone you love more than yourself how can you live without them?-get this boy to room •36-that mr.fullofsarcasmasshole said making this two to come out of their throughs-and this one...get him to room •32-he said while pointing at taehyung,who was looking at him confused-what are you doing?-he asked kind of scared he had a bad feelings about this-oh you through you two would stay at same room?-he asked with mocking concerned look-Sorry but our hotel's rules are pretty harsh...get them to their rooms...NOW!...we don't want our costumers to feel bad at our hotel,do we?-mr.fullofsarcasmasshole said while smirking.

Jungkook was trying to escape from ropes while mr.fullofsarcasmasshole's shit tried to place blindfold at him and he managed to do it,jungkook couldn't escape or even stop him
last thing he saw was taehyung spitting at Minho's face.well at least there is something good in this situation.

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