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After I learned that the Graypaw I met was a fake I started to get to know this one and he acts like he did when we first met a little nervous but soon got comfortable around me. 

"Can I ask you something agent Blood?" Graypaw asks.

"Please just call me Blood no agent ok"


"Thank you, so what did you want to ask?"

"How did my double and you meet?" Graypaw asks.

"O, well we met in the hallway and the other you was in your locker and I asked where was the art class was and after the fight in the cafeteria we became close friends after that"

"What fight?"

"You punched your brother in the face in front of everybody" he gasps.

"I would never hurt him, in fact, I would never hurt anyone" he gets sad "what has my other self-been doing?"

"Well you made a Clan of your own and its full of bullies and bad kids that follow you without a heartbeat or the other you will break someone's bones if they don't"

"I hate this other me"

Just then Agent Smith and the boss of the agency.

"So you're the Graypaw I was told about," the boss says.

"Yes, sir he is," Smith says.

"It's nice to meet you young man" they shake hands.

"When can I go home, sir?" Graypaw asks.

"Soon my boy, but not right now," the boss says.

"Why?" he asks.

"Because" he takes out Ipad and shows us that the other Graypaw is with the family "with we take you now the Quince will know you have escaped and your family will think you are the fake one since he's been there with them and as you can see he's with your dad"

"We have to stop her," Graypaw says and then bangs his fist on the table.

"And we will, we just need time," the boss says and Graypaw nods "until then I want you to stay with Agent Blood until we are ready"

"Ok," he says.

After that, I showed him around the headquarters and as we looked around I saw that he liked some of the stuff we had here.

The day went by and I took him to my room and we played my PS4 and we had fun and as we played my feeling for him grew.


I can't believe it's been a month and over that time the boss asked me to train Graypaw how to fight and at first he was scared that he would hurt me but after telling him he couldn't hurt me he finally tried.

It took a while but soon he wasn't scared and would challenge me, but I always won with me on top of him. 

Like right now we are training and after a few minutes, I was on top of him.

"Ok ok you win," Graypaw says.

"You are getting better" I get up and I help him up "soon you'll be able to beat me" we smile at each other "Gray" he looks at me "I um, like you"

He looks at me in shock "I don't know what to say" he blushes "Your the first to like me besides my family"

"Well maybe you will let me take you out on a date tonight"

"I thought I couldn't leave this place?" Graypaw asks.

"You can't go home, but if your with an agent then you can go out every once in a while, so what do you say" 

"I'd love too"

Great, I'll come to your room at 7 ok"


The hours went by and I decided to do a picnic by that lake. When it was time for the date I checked everything and then went to his door and knocked on it.

After a few seconds later he answered it and we left. When we got to the lake I set up the blanket and set the food out and we ate and talked about stuff.

After the food was gone I put the trash in the basket and we laid on the blanket and watched the sunset go done

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After the food was gone I put the trash in the basket and we laid on the blanket and watched the sunset go done. When it was getting late we headed back and we decided to go back to my room and we just hung out and out of nowhere, he kisses me.

I look at him in shock but soon I kiss him back and soon we were making out.

Before we knew it we were both naked and having sex and we went 4 rounds and after we were tired and sweaty and we just laid there with me on my back and his head on my chest.

After 1 more kiss, we went to sleep.

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