Chapter 1

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  Danny was just a newborn when he was left at the doorstep of the Fentons. In a little wicker basket, with only a small blanket, embroidered with his name, to keep him warm. Though he still slept peacefully, unaware of being left alone with no one to watch over him. When dawn broke, the silence of the night was broken by the cry of young Daniel. The Fentons went to see what the noise was. When they opened the door to a infant in a basket, the only thing to see was surprise. Maddy quickly picked up the baby and started trying to calm it down. "Honey what do we do?" Maddy asked her husband, Jack. "Can we keep him." Jack said. "What he's not a pet! We can't just keep him." Maddy whisper yelled at him. "Why not? Can't we just adopt him." Jack said. Maddy face-palmed and just shook her head. "I'll take him to the child care center in a bit." Maddy said. Jack just nodded and left to get fudge.

  Around noon is when Maddy finally decided to bring Daniel to the CCC(Child care center). "Jack, take care of Jazz for me. I'll be back in a bit." Maddy said, as she walked out the door. "Love you Mads. Bring back a son." Jack said. Maddy just shook her head and closed the door.

  Walking in the front door of the center was when Maddy finally made her decision. She wanted to keep the infant and raise it as her own. "How can I help you?" The lady at the front desk asked. "Um, I would like to adopt an baby that was left on my door step." Maddy, unsure if what she said was the right thing to say. "You have to fill out this forum, and if you don't know their birth date, pick one." The lady said, not even looking up from the screen. "Okay." Maddy sat down with Danny on her thighs, as she filled out the paper work. "Danny, how do you like the middle name of James." Danny let out a yawn and fell back asleep. Maddy smiled and wrote it down. "Hm... What birthday should I give him? Oh! I know, lets have it be October 31, Halloween." Maddy grinned and imagined how much fun that would be. Walking up to the counter she handed the clipboard to the lady. "The kid will be yours once this is processed. Come back in a week to see when the house check date will be." Maddy nodded and left with Danny. "Come on Danny lets go get Jack some more fudge, along with dinner."


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I know it was short, but I'm pretty sure all of my first chapters are. Thanks for all the support on the stories, and sorry I don't update a lot. Oh, and please give me some feedback on the new writing style I'm trying. Merry Christmas and a happy new year. If you celebrate a different Holliday I hope you have fun and enjoy it.

Danny Black a potter- phantom crossover (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now