My fault

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Jimin pov.
"H-hey" I said quietly. "Are you okay?" Yoongi spoke. *he doesn't sound drunk, he sounds completely sober.* "I'm fine." I said back. "Listen, please come back, I'm so sorry. I love you." I couldn't help myself. I started running keeping him on the phone. "I'm coming. Talk to me." I said panting. "I love you so much, I don't understand how I got someone like you into my life, ....." He went on and on, showering me with compliments. I was so lost in his voice I didn't hear the truck coming.

My vision was faded, I saw a guy hovering over me saying it's going to be okay. I couldn't move, I felt liquid around me, and I was scared. Scared I was never going to see Yoongi again, scared I'd never feel his lips again, scared I'd be forgotten. I heard a siren. Then saw black.

Yoongi pov.
"I love you so much." Was the last thing I told him before the phone hit the ground. "Jimin? Jimin?! HELLO! JIMIN! ARE OKAY WHAT HAPPENED??" I soon heard sirens coming towards the phone. "Hello?" An unfamiliar voice said into the phone. "What happened to my boyfriend? Is he okay? Where is he?" "Calm down sir. Your boyfriend is going to be at ******* hospital. We can explain everything once you get here." They said back to me. I hung up, ran to my car, and drove to the hospital as fast as I could. I told the nurse who I was and she lead me to a room. "Please stay here." She said and went inside the room. Soon she came out and motioned me in, I saw Jimin and ran to his bed. "I'll leave you too alone, if you need anything press the button there." She said pointed to a blue button and left.
"Jimin? Baby answer me?" I said and held his hand. I felt a light squeeze. "Jimin?!" I said shocked. Jimin looked at me and smiled. "I'm sorry Yoongi." He said tears in his eyes. "Don't be sorry. Why are you sorry? I was the one that hit you." I said feeling guilty and upset all over again. Jimin points to his lips. "Please." Yoongi placed a light kiss on his boyfriends lips for the last time. Jimin smiled and closed his eyes. Jimins monitor got lounder and faster. Yoongi pressed the button over and over. "Stay with me! Jimin don't go!" Yoongi said tears running down his face. " I love you" Jimin said.


Yoongi stood as still as a statue. He ran his fingers through Jimins hair and placed his forehead on his. "It's my fault, I'm sorry Jimin" Doctors came in and pulled Yoongi off of Jimin. Yoongi grabbed Jimins coat off the chair before he was pushed away. "Sorry sir. We understand  how you feel, but we can't have you in here right now." The nurse said. I nodded.

Night hit and it felt weird not having anyone in the house with me. When I got into bed, I was so used to holding Jimin that I held a pillow and cried. I cried myself to sleep that night.

The funeral came sooner then expected. As soon as I saw the coffin I burst into tears. Namjoon and Jin came and tried to comfort me. But nothing helped, I cried throughout the whole thing. I want to be with him again. It's my fault he died, I hit him so he ran, and when he tried to come back he got killed. I loved him so much but in the end, I was the one to be the cause of his death.

Raincoat. A Yoonmin Sad FFNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ