N - half human half human

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I really hope you like this I know it's taken forever but I hoped it's good @ThatXOneXAnimeXGirl
My paws hit the ground as I ran through the forest from team plasma as they were trying to capture me I let out a yelp and run into someone's legs, my small yellow eyes look u at the person his green hair was in a ponytail and it was long he had a black and white hat on
" oh hello friend" he picks me up as the grunts found us
" oh I'm sorry we didn't know it belongs to you" they say
" first it is a girl not an it and two yes she does" the boy snaps and the grunts run
" are you ok" he asks
" umbreon" I say lightly rubbing against him
" let's get you some food now shall we" he says smiling as he pets my head softly
" umbre" I purr slightly before looking at the sky it was almost dark which meant I was going to turn back into a human soon and I couldn't let this kind man see me do so. Once he fed me I run off
" Wait where are you going" he says chasing me I let out a low growl as I feel reshirams power surround me I let a soft yelp and jump into the large bush close by as I finally finish the transformation. I stay still my black hair falling in my face
" hello" the man softly calls I shrink into the bush the branches stabbing me making me his
" I'm not going to hurt you I swear" he walks closer I mentally curse Reshiram for placing this curse on me in the first place. I spring from the bush and take off running for the closest tree and climb but I slipped and crashed back into the ground the green haired boy raised an eyebrow and stares at me with a confused look I scurry back biting the tree and I slowly tremble in fear
" weren't you a Pokémon moments ago" he asks I nod my blue crescent on my forehead glows
" how" he asks kneeling down
" Reshiram did this to me" I say softly he smiles and holds out a hand, I hesitate a moment before placing my fishnet clad hand in his, my tail flicking as he leads me to a fire and sits me down
" where you human originally" I shake my head
" an umbreon but I grew curious of the human would so I went to Zekrom in hopes that he would help but it was Reshiram who helped the only downfall is I can only turn at night" I say watching him slowly he smiles
" interesting" he answers
" what do I call you" he asks
" I don't have a name besides Umbreon" I say he nods
" how about Y/N" he asks I smile
" I like that what's your name" I ask
" N" he answers watching me closely, a twig snaps and I jump straight into N's arms and grip his shirt
" haha it's just a weedle" he answers as a small yellow weedle amerges from the bushes I go bright red and look down at my hands I try to get off of N's lap but he places a firm hand around my waist and smiles I look at him wide eyed I have never really been shown any kindness or love so I was not use to the kindness he was giving me I snuggle into his chest and his warmth surrounded me and his sent which smelt of berries and the forest
" when will you turn back" he asks
" at dawn" I say frowning
" then I spend every moment with you" I look at him a weird feeling filling my stomach it was like a thousand beautyflies in my stomach
" don't you have a family to get home to" I say blinking at him he looked down at me he was quite tall compared to my small height so he still had to look down at me even though I was on his lap
" I'm not going to leave such a lovely girl alone here" he says before he let me go to stand I shuffle off his lap and stand. He unrolls a sleeping bag and laying in it removing his hat before patting the spot next to him I blink and slip in next to him and smile softly snuggling back into the green haired boy
The next morning when I woke I was back in my Pokémon form so I jump up onto N's Chet and stretch he wakes moments later yawning before sitting up and rubbing my head
" how about you stay with me so your not alone" he asks I nod my small head and jump up allowing him to stand and pack his things
That's how I became great friends with N

 He unrolls a sleeping bag and laying in it removing his hat before patting the spot next to him I blink and slip in next to him and smile softly snuggling back into the green haired boy The next morning when I woke I was back in my Pokémon form s...

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That's what your human form looks like

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