Coffee and Scarves

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"Now, I would like it if you found a seat next to your partners. These will be your seats for the rest of the semester."

You sat in your almost empty front row, scowling at the keyboard. No, you refused to meet his eyes and you were not sitting all the way in the back. If you had to suffer through his presence, you would do it on your terms.

Before you saw him in your peripheral sight, you heard him sigh and then the squeak of the chair as he pulled it out from under the table. Looking up, you gave him a blank look devoid of all emotion.

"Did you really have to ignore me? Do I really have to sit all the way up front?" He asked, sighing some more.

As your brows dipped down toward your eyes, your expression easily transitioned from blank to a cool, even glare.

"Yes." You had to try not to sound as disdainful as possible.

Ace gave you an amused look. "Why am I getting the feeling you hate me?"

"Well, let's think about it logically. I like getting good grades, I need to get good grades. This novelette is 30% of our grade, and you don't look like the type to-" You paused briefly, trying to keep your language PG for once. "-care. As a matter of fact, you look exactly like the type who would often cut class; and you also seem like the kind of person who lets his partner do all the work."

Ace said nothing, his previously amused grin looking more and more irked with every word that came out of your mouth.


"As such, either you show up to class and do what is required of you. Or I'm demanding a new partner. Right now."

"I'll show up, calm down."

"And?" You quirked a brow at him.

Ace gave you a lengthy sigh, which only made your glare more pronounced.

"I'll do my share of the work."

"Good." You said, having just now noticed that you were leaning forward, and promptly sat back, looking at anything but him.

"Why do you care so much?" He asked, after a moment.

Your eyes reluctantly slid back towards him, and you sighed. "I need to keep my grades up to keep my scholarship and my seat in the Honors Program."

Ace nodded. "Alright then."

At least now he partially understood why you were being such a hard-ass. But he still didn't get why you were so intense about this; you didn't exactly look like you had trouble keeping up.

"Now that everyone has gotten to know their partners, I shall give you your first assignment." Professor Mihawk spoke up.

Your attention glided back to the professor.

"I want a proposal for your novelette due next Thursday. So, you have a little over a week. I want a basic plot - or at least, an idea for one - and your main cast of characters." With that, the professor went back to whatever he had been scribbling on and left you all to your own devices for the last fifteen minutes of class.

"So, how are we doing this?" You asked.

"I dunno." Ace responded with a shrug of his shoulders.

You scowled. "Over Skype, then, perhaps?"


Looking over at him, your scowl grew more pronounced. "And why not? It's efficient and we don't have to spend any more time together than we have to."

Unfortunate Circumstances (Ace x Reader; College AU)Where stories live. Discover now