Doctor Hajime

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Nagito's pov 12 years later~

I was left alone in the dark cavernous mansion.Before I knew it,it got dark.I turned off the TV and walked up a spiral of stair to reach my room.I plugged in the charger and went to bed.

I awaited the darkness to consume me once again.

I woke up to the birds chirping.I went downstairs and entered the kitchen

"Goodmorning Officer "

"You know you can call me Jackson"

"Yeah yeah"

It's been 12 years since the "accident".
And ever since my parents died Jackson,the father figure in my life, has took 12 years of his life to take care of trash like me.

He started to notice the constant clouds above my head,so as any father would do he began to worry.
"I know it's been hard for you".

"There a doctor in town,please go see him,he maybe able to help you with your depression".

"I will think about it".Nagito said while eating a spoon full of cereal.

Hajime's Pov

It been quite a busy time for me as now I am considered to be some perfect doctor, but I have my flaws.

"There is a new patient waiting for you " Chiaki said giving my his file.

I quickly scaned the file and opened the door.

"Hello Nagito."

"Hello" The pink tinted white haired teenager mumbled  under his breath.

"Hello my name is Hajime, and I will be helping you with...uh your depression"


"Jackson told me,all about you,so I couldn't refuse"

Jackson appointed me to help Nagito.I haven't dealt with depression ,yet I felt a special connection to this case it was similar to when I was in hopes peak reserves academy.

"So I am just a nuisance,trash like me shouldn't  talk to such hope.I should leave,I am wasting others precious time."

"That would be impossible"

Nagito's pov

Uh impossible what does he mean by that.I reach for the door and it was locked?A jinggle from Hajime's keys made me alert.He locked the door?

"You won't leave until  you retell your story"

"I thought you already knew it"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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