Chapter 2

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It gave me chills knowing we are right next door
Then I got out of the car and went straight up to my room it was so dark is this house.
I turned on my light and looked out the window seeing a face in the house next door.
I screamed and dad ran up the stairs.
He asked me what was wrong I pointed at the window it was gone.
I explained what happened to dad he said I was just being paranoid.
Which I was not.
I know what I saw and now all I want to do is hide under my bed.
Which is at my home not here in this creepy apartment.
I look under the bed to see if I can hide under there.but a big dead snake is lying under the has a note on it.
Did I scare u don't worry there is more coming.
Don't tell your parents or I will kill u and your family.
I get up and look out the window.the face is there again it looks like a clown it is smiling at me.
Then it is gone.
The door bell goes I can hear dad going to answer the door.
I creep down the stairs and sit there where no one can see me.
Dad opens the door it is a clown.
I run up the stairs screaming dad invents the clown in I get in the cupboard.

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