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y/n's pov

I woke up in a startle as my alarm went off. Damn. I forgot I had work today. I reluctantly get up grumbling to myself. I quickly get ready and start making breakfast. Halfway through making chocolate chip pancakes I get a text from my older brother Phil.

phillycakes: hey y/n guess what!

y/u/n: what?

phillycakes: im going on tour again!

y/u/n: wow really? that's awesome phil!

phillycakes: ik! its called interactive introverts. btw you still live in y/s right?

y/u/n: yeah, why?

phillycakes: we are touring there too so you should come see us!

y/u/n: we?

phillycakes: well dan's coming too obviously

Oh yeah I almost forgot about Dan. He's Phil's literal other half. I've been wanting to meet him ever since Phil did but since I moved away to America for college I never git the chance too. When they went on tour the first time my plan was to go but I didn't have any money. But now I do have the money and you bet your ass I'm going to not only see them but get a vip to talk to them.

y/u/n: well then im definitely going! and getting a vip pass! you know ive wanted to meet dan ever since you did.

phillycakes: yay! im looking forwards to y/s then! anyways ive got to go we need to make a video announcing the tour.

y/u/n: okay good luck philly!

I sigh and finish making my breakfast and eat it quickly before running out the door and getting in my car. I drive to work at the studio. I work with a music company that helps artists persue their dreams at a lower cost. I usually record the music but I also help direct music videos and do a lot of things for special affects and stuff. It pays well and I'm actually passionate about music so it works out.

I dash into the studio and sign in so the boss knows I'm here on time. Speaking of, my boss Josh walks up to me. "Hey Y/n we need you to help with make-up and costumes for a music video today. One of the members is having trouble putting contacts in and another one needs help putting on the finishing touches to their outfit. Can you do it?" He asked. "You bet your ass I can. I'll have them ready in five minutes." He smiles and pats my shoulder as a way of thanking me and dashes off.

I head to the dressing rooms and what I see it basically chaos. One of the members is pinning down another one while a employee tries to get contacts in his eyes. Theres a member in the corner who looks like a dog chasing it's tail as he tries to add the finishing touches to his outfit while the last one is calmy sipping a beverage that I can only hope is tea. I quickly replace the employee and hold the member's chin down and put the contacts in with ease. He looks at me in shock "That was easier than expected" he said. I nodded as the other member let go of him.

I moved to the member in the corner and attached the finishing touches. "Ah, thanks." He said, embarrassed. I nod and wave good-bye to the band.
I quickly rush over to the crew and let them know the band is ready. After that I move to the other set of dressing rooms to help everyone get ready for their music videos.

After work I head home and I decided I was gonna go to y/f/r for dinner. I quickly get changed into more comfortable clothing and wipe off the little make up I had on. I finally get into my car again and drive off.

Once I sit down at the restaurant I get another text from Phil.

phillycakes: hey are you off of work yet?

y/u/n: yep! just got to y/f/r.

phillycakes: okay well i wanted you to know that dan is excited to meet you!!! 😊😊😊

y/u/n: tell him im excited to meet him too!!! also why the emojis?

phillycakes: to show you how happy i am! i guess im cooler than you 😎😎😎

y/u/n: phil please stop

phillycakes: 😔😔😔

y/u/n: phil i will block u

phillycakes: lol okay okay ill stop

y/u/n: lol thanks anyways i gotta order food so bye

phillycakes: bye!

I smile and order y/f/d and y/f/f. I mess around my phone for a bit until I get y/f/d and soon afterwards y/f/f. I quickly eat it all and pay the bill.

I head back home and get dressed into pajamas and tie my h/l hair back. I then get into bed and stay up for a bit on my phone before I can finally fall asleep.

(okay finally i finished this. sorry if it's shit idk what i was supposed to write really. the next chapter will probably be a time skip to when the tour is happening but idk. okay see ya later haters)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2018 ⏰

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