hell and only hell.

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This first chapter has a few mild swear words and selfharm in, read at your own will.

It was just another average day at school today, nothing more. Evelyn slumped over to the bathroom, her bed head forcing her hair to look like a pile of straw. She brushed it out gently as her her hands stroked it after the brush made its way down. She flicked her hair back then tied it into a high pony tail. She already knew she would be late for the bus if she didn't get dressed quickly.

After changing into her uniform she gave herself one last brush down so her clothes didn't have any car hairs in them.

Evelyn grabbed her school bag and ran out of the door, locking it after her. She started walking in a decently quick pace to reassure herself she wouldn't be late for the bus.

As Evelyn reached the bus stop she sighed knowing yet again nobody was going to speak to her because who wanted to speak to that weird why kid who always spoke at the wrong time.

The bus soon stopped at her stop. She dropped a bit of money into the drivers hand and sat at a seat. Many other people also slid their way into the bus. One of them she recognised. An old friend from a while back. They wouldn't have remembered Evelyn for she was nobody to everybody.

The bus made its last stop at Evelyn's rather big school. She and everybody else jumped off the bus and walked towards the schools gates "hell" she muttered under her breath.

She looked around in hope that her only two friends had maybe waited at the gates to be let down once again. "Does nobody have just a little appreciation?!" She growled to herself just before a bit running pushed her straight into her face " fuck! " she hissed at the ground. Nobody offered to help the troubled girl up. She pushed herself up and carried on walking.

Her two friends, Ali and Lilip waited at their first lesson. Her first lesson just had to be double science "someone kill me" she sighed, her face blank as her friends played close to no attention to anything but eachother. "Omg yah. Yesterday was so fun. We need to do that again!" Ali grinned " defo! " Lilip agreed. What you doing next sund-" Ali was cut off "HI GUYS DUNNO IF YOU NOTICED ME!" Evelyn interrupted. Lilip grumbled "yeah I saw you..." Evelyn looked at lilip , her face sour.

*skipping to break*

Lilip and Ali walked next to echother, Evelyn kind of looked like she was following them... Julio and Ali admired each other as if they were a couple "at least in not up anyone's ass!" Evelyn laughed at herself "what was that?" Ali said looking at Evely. " Nowt" Evelyn giggled.

*skipping to the end of the day when Evelyn is home*

Evelyn sat down on the sofa. She suddenly became hungry so got up and decided to make toast. Her mother wasn't in because she finished work a bit later and was always busy doing something that never had anything to do with Evelyn.

As Evelyn went into the drawer to find a knife for the butter she found larger one. She looked down at her wrist nd back to the knife. She had a new urge she never had it thought of before. Suddenly she wanted to...slit her wrist as if it was an urge she needed to get rid of she grabbed the knife. She rolled up her sleeve and ran the knife downwards, drawing blood from herself. She lifted the knife up and placed it above the first one, causing another cut to show up upon her wrist. After five she stopped and said to herself, panicked "nobody. Nobody can know about this." She threw the knife down and ran upstairs.

she's reaching out.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora