where bubba

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I whine as I slowly wake up from my nap.
"Nu wakey" I reach for my blankie and pull it and ellie,my favorite stuffie out of the bed as I climbed out.

I open my door and head down the hall towards where I heard the TV going.

I waddle into the living room and look around for bubba.
"Bubba?" I whine, tears forming in my eyes as I'm greeted by the sound of the TV unable to find bubba.

"BUBBA" I yell tears now streaming down my face as I start running through the house searching for bubba.

Woof I hear my dog let out a bark as she tries to follow me to calm me down.

I feel like I can't breathe, I need bubba, I'm crying and I can't find him. Leia, my dog, knocks me down and I'm gasping for air sobbing.
"BUBBA GONE" I scream, Leia lays on top of me and tries to calm me down but I wiggle away. I continue running through the house and then I notice I don't have ellie. I am sobbing and leia brings me ellie. I wrap my arms around Leia and ellie and sob into leias fur

I hear a door open and jump up and start running. "BUBBA!!" I trip as I race to him

"Woa there little one your gonna get hurt running like that" I hear him say as he catches me. He looks me over. "Oh hunny why have you been crying?"

"B-b-bubba wefts a-an I fought he gone foreber" I say still crying.

"I'll never leave baby" he says.

I bury my face in his chest as he carries me back into my room.
"Now now little baby do you need a change?"
I feel my face turn beet red as I start sobbing again
Bubba chuckles and lays me in my changing table. I'm crying too much to even move
"Hey," he softly says, "I know you've been through allot the past year, and I've been there with you through all of it. You know I won't hurt you"
Bubba gently hands me back ellie and starts to hum. I use ellie to cover my face while bubba gently changes me. Then for a moment all goes quiet.
I peek out from behind ellie to see bubba rummaging through my closet. He pulls out a pink onsie and my unicorn skirt.
"I see somebody peeking" he pokes my belly which makes me giggle.
"Bubba why dress nice?" I ask as he pulls my current onsie off and starts dressing me in the outfit he chose.
"I have a few surprises for you little one" he pats my head
"Eek surprise?!?!" I squeak. I'm answerd by him chuckling.
"Now now I'm not telling but what do you wanna dress Leia in? Or do you want to be full little dependent on me in public today"
I think for a moment and say "I wan be smol"
Bubba looks at me for a minute.
"Kay, babe I'm worried about you. You haven't been big in a few weeks now. Something happened and you won't tell me. It worries me. Please tell me what happened" he continues to look at me with worry. I swear it looks like he's gonna...wait is he seriously starting to cry?
"Bubba, nu nu cwy pweeze" I give bubba a big hug
He sighs and says "I just can't stand knowing that something happened. And I can't help make it better if you won't tell me"
I just stare at him. I dont wanna tell him because of course it's more than one thing. The big thing is that his old best friend has been threatening me because he found out that, we'll I've been in love with bubba. But he's my best friend and I don't wanna ruin what we have. He's my caregiver yes, but it's platonic. I don't know where I'd be without him.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by bubba lifting me in the air. I squeal as he carries me to the car. I get buckled in and handed a sippie my paci and ellie! 
"Off we go on an adventure just you and me," Bubba starts singing I giggle and chime in
"Together on an adventure you and me. Forever us together two birds of a feather, making rhymes as we go along this is our adventure soooonnnggg"
I giggle as we drive. So excited for whatever our day has in store for us.
Bubba turns the radio on and sets up Disney radio on his phone. I bounce in my seat happily and bubba puts his hand on my leg and I freeze...

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2018 ⏰

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