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Focus. Madelaine thought, trying to finish her scene,  distractedly dancing on Cody. See, twenty minutes earlier, she had been scrolling through her tagged photos on Instagram and had come across a gorgeous drawing of her, drawn by a girl only a year younger than her. Being the creep she is, Madelaine spent the next ten minutes scrolling through the girls Instagram. She was gorgeous, even Madelaine (who was straight and in a loving relationship) had to admit it. The girls name was Vanessa. She had long brown ombréd hair and looked quite short.

Then, Madelaine had accidentally liked a photo from weeks back, one where Vanessa was posed like a true model, on the ground, one leg up, the other tucked underneath her front leg. She was wearing black ripped jeans and a red windbreaker covered her otherwise bare chest. In a panic, Madelaine unliked the photo, then decided she should leave it liked, so she liked it again, then unliked it, then finally liked it again and turned her phone off completely.

Now, she was kissing Cody and wondering if she had made the right move, leaving the photo liked. As soon as the scene ended, Madelaine turned her phone on, looking at the texts from her boyfriend, Travis.

Good one babe!!! ❤️

Followed by a screenshot of Vanessa's Instagram story.

The screenshot showed Vanessa's notifications, that displayed Madelaine's creep show and said, 'OML LOOK AT THIS WTF @madelame EXPLAIN. HEY @travismills IM COMING 4 UR GIRL', then in smaller letters below it, 'kidding pls don't block me'.

Madelaine giggled to herself and texted Travis back.

Whoops 😂 you love me though

Love you but I've gotta get back to filming 💘

Before Madelaine got back to filming, she viewed the story and then checked the DM she had gotten from Vanessa.

vanessamorgan: hey sorry if this is like intrusive or whatever, but I was wondering why you liked my photo. I know you won't see this though, just thought it was worth asking.

Madelaine debated responding, teetering back and forth about whether it would be fair to her other followers if she answered Vanessa's DM.

But then, Vanessa saw the 'Seen' pop up for the DM to Madelaine and freaked out, not caring about how creepy she sounded.

vanessamorgan: WAIT



vanessamorgan: sorry that was rude.

Knowing she would feel bad if she didn't, Madelaine clicked on the keyboard and started typing.

madelame: Hey, I saw that drawing you did of me, and because I'm a creep I clicked on your page and started scrolling through. Then I accidentally liked that photo and freaked out and unliked it, then reliked it and unliked it again, then finally liked it and left it alone.

vanessamorgan: oh my god I'm trying not to freak the fuck out

vanessamorgan: th is i s cr a zy

madelame: You're an amazing artist and you're very beautiful. I'm sorry for maybe causing you to have a heart attack.

vanessamorgan: I'm gonna cry wtf im in a conversation with actual Madelaine fucking Petsch

madelame: I'm actually on set right now, so I need to get back to filming, have a wonderful day Vanessa.

vanessamorgan: as much as I would love to continue this, I respect your job and I've already been blessed by talking to you. I would absolutely die if I ever talked to you again.

This wasn't new to Madelaine, a super fan who loved her, but what was new was the way Madelaine really liked this fan and would've loved to get to know her more. She couldn't though, it would be unfair to her other ten million something followers. But Vanessa was so sweet, and deserved more attention from Madelaine. She couldn't follow her, or like anymore of her photos, but what she could do was continue talking to her, as long as Vanessa promised not to tell anyone else about it. That was still wrong though. Madelaine toyed with the idea, until she had to get back to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2018 ⏰

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