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Ella's pov

Tears filled my eyes as I watched the scene in front of me. I never imagined something like this would

happen to me. My boyfriend of five years Jayden was making out with my best friend Sarah. I have

known Sarah since I was six and we had always been friends so it came as a shock to me when I

received an anonymous message telling me to be at Starbucks by 7pm today. I thought it was a joke

and I almost didn't come. I felt my heart breaking slowly into tiny prices. I didn't even confront them, I

just turned around and went home to drown my sorrows in a bucket of ice cream a d watch chick

flicks. I decided there and then never to date again. I wasn't going to cry and I wasn't going to be like

all those girls that would be all sad and cut off the rest of the world. No, I was going to be my normal

self, I will show them that what they did didn't affect me. Since school was starting tomorrow, I

decided to trace the number of the person who sent me the message using my tru caller app.

I was surprised to see that the number belonged to Britney. She was basically the school bitch, like the type you read about in

novels. I couldn't help but wonder why she decided to look out for me. She never liked me, intact it was the opposite, she was always

looking for any available opportunity to bring me down. I was already tired so I decided to sleep and leave my problems for tomorrow

Hey guys. This is chapter 1. Pls excuse all the errors. I know it's kinda short but I didn't want to leave y'all waiting.  This chapter is for my lovely friend @Hotsnow01 . Thanks for your support. I love y'all-Yossy

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2018 ⏰

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