Chapter 4🌻

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Cleveland, Ohio
4:17 a.m.
Sydney's house

Me up at this hour is not an unusual thing for me. Being up at this hour talking on the phone with someone is very unusual. At this hour, I would be up thinking about Lucas but someone else has been taking my time up.

Why you keep looking at me like that?

Because your mad beautiful, but tell me about yourself cause we've been talking about me and now I wanna talk about you

Don't you have practice in the morning?

Yea but I'm not going

Why not?

I'm having one of my days. I don't wanna do anything but talk to you all day

Stop making me blush

But I like seeing you smile but tell me about yourself

Well full name is Sydney KayMarie, I'm 20 years old, I have a little sister named Chloe and she's 4. I'm still in college to work on poetry and basically that's it.

C'mon there has to be more like what's your favorite food, favorite color, maybe a line from something you wrote.

Alright fine. I don't really have a favorite color because I just feel like whatever color I put on it's suits me perfectly and I don't really have a favorite food either but I just like to eat anything. And since you wanted to hear a line from something I wrote here you go:

tears, doubt, and sorrow
is what love has brought to the surface
though that love is not accepted it is expected -
for i have longed for more
yet have settled for less
thrills come - thrills go
i have no more force to look for you
i have seen the damage you can do

Wow, that had so much meaning to it. What's it called?

No Love Allowed

Is this about you or just in general?

It is and it's in general as well

Damn, that was really deep. If you don't mind me asking, what happened to y'all?

A lot happened but I guess it wasn't meant to be. We just weren't meant for each other. That's all I'm going to say.

That's fine but I'm going to be honest and say that I'm going through the same exact thing your going through.

Are you really or are you just saying that to make me feel better?

No I'm serious. I'm surprised you haven't heard what happened...

I'm not going to force you to tell me because of course it's none of my bus....

The one I thought that loved me broke me so bad and did it with a person I considered as a brother.

Maybe we both are going through the same thing.

Yea we are but maybe we should both get some sleep

We should

Alright then, I'll text you later to check on you

And if you don't, then I will

Alrighty then, bye Sydney

Bye Ky

Phone call ended

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