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Yue's POV.

Life is always better at the beach, they say. And I couldn't agree more. Time sure flies, I couldn't help but think. When you just sit silently on the shore, staring out to the sea, listening to the sound of waves.

Welcome to my happy place.

The only place I can relax myself, the only place I could keep calm and free my mind, the only place I get to discard the face mask I wear every single day.

Truthfully speaking, I am not as bright as Chen Xiao Xi, definitely not even close to being as optimistic as her. I may look like the kind of girl next door type of girl, but they say too, don't judge a book by its cover. I am a pragmatic which is why fans said that I am someone who attracts, and make people feel comfortable because I am just easy to get along.

But who knows? Maybe I am just doing it for the sake of doing it.

As someone who have an image to keep up with, I had to. I had to make myself feel like I'm approachable, even though I am shy deep down, an introvert. I had to make myself feel like i'm the sweet next door girl who is pure at heart even though I can be sassy, sarcastic and straight forward.

I am sure every artists out there had times like this.

And because I had all this image to keep up with, I am starting to lose sight of who I really am. However, whenever I am at the beach, I manage to stay afloat with my own internal conflict and insecurities.

Just as I was deep in thoughts, my phone vibrated. I slipped my hand into my pocket, pulling out my phone.

It's him.

As much as I didn't want to answer his call, I forced myself to. Because at the end of the day, I at least had to hear him out even if I didn't want to have any connections with him anymore.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Shen Yue," he said.

"Why are you calling?" I didn't want to sound like I didn't care, because honestly I did.

"I just want to... apologise." He spoke, slowly and clearly. "I'm sorry." He continued.

"It's fine." I replied and silence followed. I didn't know what to say, because talking to him, hearing his voice, makes me feel disgusted in all kind of ways, I wanted to end the phone call right away.

"If there's nothing more..." I was going to say but he cut me off.

"Do you hate me now?" He asked.

I paused. I didn't know if I should be honest and just tell him what I truly felt, or be fake.

"Does it even matter now?" I asked, but he stayed silent on the other end.

"But if you must know," I paused. "I don't hate you, Yi tian. I simply think it's impossible to hate someone you once truly treated sincerely." Eventually, I'd decided to stay true to myself at least, and end this.

I sigh, as I look out towards the sea. "I thought we were good friends."

"We are!" He argued. Sure, we are.

"But that does not give you any excuse to say such things about me. I know you want to get on to the good side of whoever that person is, but saying those things behind my back? Seriously, Hu Yi tian?" I wasn't upset anymore, neither am I sad or angry. I just feel nonchalant about it now.

"I know, I am guilty. That's why I am apologising now, aren't I?" He almost sounded annoyed. What a jerk.

"Do you know when the scandal first broke out, i didn't believe it. I trusted you because, you are my friend. But when it turns out to be true, i didn't know what to feel, or how should i even react to it. Because you, as the person, whom i shared something personal to, betrayed me, left me feeling vulnerable." I had to say what's on my mind.

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