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Yue's POV.

No one said a word. I didn't answer his question either. There's just this awkward tension silence between us as we stare at each other. Neither want to break the eye contact.

But, maybe the silence was unbearable to him that he decided to speak up.

"Sorry, didn't mean any offence." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm just someone who says what i wanted to say, do what i wanted to do. I don't really hold back, even if it was a stranger I'm talking to or someone i just met."

"It's alright." I said, looking away.

And he laughed.

He freaking laughed, out loud even though he tried to suppress it.

"What?" I frowned, staring right up at him. Yes, the height difference. So not cute, my neck hurts.

"Life is too short not to live it up a little." In an instance, i felt him grabbed my wrist, his hold firm before flashing me, not sure if it's his trademark smile, but it sure does stupid things to your heart like making it flutter. "So, let's go!" He announced. I couldn't even react because the next thing i know, I'm heading towards the exit of the building with him pulling me along.

We arrived at the party not long later in Dylan's manager's car. The party was in a club lounge with loud rave music, and everyone around me seems to have gone absolutely crazy, with no one to care and worry about except for the fact that they are here to have fun.

In all honestly, it wasn't my type of place. Not the real me, not the showbiz me. I just absolutely hate places like this because i can't stand the smell of alcohol, cigarettes and loud music all in one.

I decided to stay for a while since it would be rude of me to just leave right away after arriving here, for less than 5 mins. That's a no-no in my rules. I have to act as per situation, when necessary, to keep up with the act.

Finding a cozy spot in this uncomfortable place, i looked around aimlessly because guess who ditched me the first moment we stepped foot into the club lounge.

Most of the Meteor garden casts and staffs are here, except for Jia Qi, since i heard that she had a filming scheduled, and also the older generation's Actors and Actresses.

I sipped on the juice I managed to grab on my way across the room when Dylan took the seat next to me out of no where.

"So, how are you finding this party, Yue?" Dylan asked, i could sense his gaze on me.

"Are we on nickname basis now?" I blurted, and 10 seconds after I realised what i have said, then that i started cursing myself internally.

"You're so cute, Yue. This is great!" I don't know but Dylan said that with a huge grin on his face, as though he's happy at the fact that i almost, snapped.

Dylan continued, "I'm not sure if you realised but you just seems to have put up this wall between you and people. So when you show signs, even the slightest of vulnerability in front of me, i feel happy."

"What are you? A creep?" I asked. I give up on trying to be nice. "God, around you..." dragging off. "You gets on my nerves so much, Dylan."

"I'd take that positively." Dylan flashed me a smirk, as he sipped on the alcohol in his hand and silence followed.

"It's a protective mechanism." I said softly. "The wall building thing." I confessed, as i bit the bottom of my lips.

"I know." Dylan nodded.

"Back then, when i first started in the showbiz industry, i knew that being a public figure means that you have to bear the judgemental look the viewers, the people give you, the criticisms, the gossips, the media and all of those things normal working people wouldn't have to tolerate." I snorted lightly, thinking about what a fool i was when i thought i could handle them all.

"Maybe it got too much that I couldn't take it anymore, i couldn't do anything about it, i didn't know who to turn to, that leads me to building up walls around me to keep out the sadness and in the process, also the joy in life. I passed good people and good opportunities."

"But if you were to ask me if i regretted this choice, i would say no. Because who am i to regret the choice that i made? Even if it stressed me out, even if i had to keep up the act, pull myself together, get through shits, i have to, i need to do this. Because this is the job i love although it hurts me." I ended.

I didn't know why am i telling Dylan this, maybe because we are going to work together soon and he should know that this is the kind of person i am since he did see through my acts. But i guess, most importantly, i told him because his positivity towards life seems to be way beyond my expectations and i couldn't help but wonder how and why.

"I am no one to tell you what to do, or advise you on anything since I'm no professional. But i feel that you should live the life you think you deserve and not based on what people think of you." Dylan said, in all seriousness.

"But i hope as the time goes by, as we go through with the filming, the walls in my name would have windows and maybe even doors, to reach out to you." Dylan stood up from the seat and look down at me before offering me his hand.

"What?" I raised a brow.

"I'll send you home, it seems that you don't like places like this." He smiled.

I snorted, but couldn't help but smile too. It's funny how someone who i have only met that day knew how i am, what i dislike, and understand me even without me saying a thing at all. It's funny how i am allowing that to happen even though i promised myself not to. Life sure is a joke. Or maybe that's Dylan Wang for us. That's his charm.

Standing up, i rolled my eyes playfully at him. "Don't get too friendly yet." Before heading towards the exit with this fluttering feeling inside me.

And suddenly i know, it's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.

Another update, after an entire week. I'm so sorry. I know it's a short chapter and I'm trying to find a day or two per week to update this story but life's getting in the way. So i hope you guys could be patient with me. I read some of your comments and I'm honestly really happy to know that there are people out there reading my story instead of me reading to myself only. Heh. For all the errors and grammar mistakes, please ignore. I'll work on all the errors after I'm done with this story, which is like maybe I don't know when. Haha. Till next time! Maybe soon, really sooooooon.

Oh and, can i ask, what do you think about the Shen Yue and Dylan in this story? Example, their personality and character and etc? Any opinion? I feel that i should portray them a little differently.............. or not?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2018 ⏰

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