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Ong Chaeyeon

"What's wrong? I noticed that you seemed off like something had been bothering you. What is it?" Doyeon asked jokingly as she sipped on her smoothie upon noticing my sullen face. I payed no attention to her as I was very disturbed at the moment.

It was on a Sunday morning and Doyeon decided to take me out for another girl's day out with her which wasn't a good idea in my opinion, considering the fact that I was so not in the mood to go anywhere. But since she asked me the night before, I was sure she'd never let me sleep in peace not after agreeing to her invitation.

We had been walking around the streets of Myeongdong for almost two hours when Doyeon said that she was craving for some strawberry smoothie, and that led us to the infamous smoothie store in the street.

Without even giving her any answer to her question, I kept on stirring the straw inside my drink, sighing heavily. And for sure it does tickled her patience.

"Hey! I was talking to you." She whined then slapped my arm, a little bit too hard that I was immediately brought back to reality.

"Ouch. What was that for?" I rubbed the spot where she hit me, suddenly paying my full attention to the girl sitting opposite of me. She looked at me in disbelief before letting out an airy chuckle.

"You ignored me!"

"I was thinking." I replied her shortly after and continued to stare at the view of the bustling street through the large window in front of me. Doyeon muted herself.

"Listen, I'm sorry okay. I was just-" I paused momentarily. It was as if something was stopping me from speaking any further and I couldn't manage to finish the thing I was trying to say, sighing in devastation before lying my head on the table.

And surprisingly, Doyeon let it passed. In normal occasion, she would've scolded me for making her curious whenever I didn't finish my words.

We sat there in silence for a few more minutes, with the soft music playing in the background and providing us the calming vibes that we needed to accompany the silence. It was just what I needed at that moment. Silence, and a time to think as my mind was always occupied with the thoughts that had been bothering me throughout the week, and it was no other than about the rumor that had spread around school.

"People in school had been talking about me." I started after building up the courage. "Ever since that rumor spread, they had been paying more attention on me than they ever did before. Honestly, I'm starting to get very uncomfortable with it. From the whispers I heard whenever I was walking around the school, to the stares I received at the cafeteria during lunchtime. And what's worse is, the teachers had suddenly been treating me nicely in class. They never let me do any homework or even do classwork when they gave the others tons of them. Well I know I shouldn't be complaining about it, but I feel bad for the others. It would've seem unfair to them. And I'm sure almost half of the population of the students in school are starting to hate me. What should I do?"

Once again, I buried my head on the table, whining.

"Well on the bright side, you're becoming miss popular in school, right?" She tried to lighten up the mood after my long rants, but it happened to make me feel the otherwise.

"That's not what I want Unnie. I don't want that. I just want to live a normal high school life." I looked at her. "And without all the attentions." I added, before banging my head lightly on the table, letting out another set of ugly whines, the one that Doyeon would claim as the sound of a crying whale.

"Hey- hey stop it. You'll hurt yourself!" Doyeon panicked and immediately placed her hand on my head to prevent it from hitting the hard surface any more.

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