The job

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Tords p.o.v
Wake up and roll over in my bed I look down on the floor and see Matt curled up in a blanket I gave him "he's so content..." he stirs in his sleep I imagine from a nightmare I manage to hear a few words that he mumbles
"Tord no" is one of them then out of no where Matt jolts up screaming "Matt calm down it was just a dream!" I rush into the floor beside him "Matt calm down" his breathing is fast and I swear I could hear his heart beating "tord..." He turns to me clearly scared "it was just a dream Matt" he touches my scarred face "your okay..." I look at him "I'm okay...tell me what happened" he pulls the cover around him like a child "I keep having this reoccurring starts out normal us just messing around then..." I see him shake and fear is visi in his eyes "then you leave the room for a minute...but when you come have a gun and blood splattered on you...then you look at us with this look of pure hatred...then you kill us...first Tom...then edd...then me" I freeze up not sure what to say Matt looks at me with sad scared eyes "you wouldn't do that would you..." I look at him and my mind races with words



I wouldn't kill you

"I'd never harm you Matt" he looks at me "what about edd and tom" I go cold at the sound of there names "I wouldn't hurt them either" Matt smiles at me and for a moment the world disappeared it was just me and him "i should go get my gun ready for the mission" he stands up and walks away that smile faded into a frown as he grabbed his sniper rifle from the desk "who's the target?" His voice sounds cold and bland nothing like his normal voice wich is normally bright and has its own...personality "our target sir?" I snap back into reality "oh uh...our targets yellow leader" (i didn't know who to put)
Matt grabs his gun and walks out of the tent "I'll be back soon"

Matts p.o.v
I walk straight into the yellow army camp "excuse me but who's the leader here?" A tall male stands up "that would be me...what is it that you want?" I look around and spot a excape root I plan to kill him in camp so that there's a message "what do you want-" I put my gun in the dead center of his head and pull the trigger and just like that the job was done and I dissappear into the crowd of panicked soldiers and people I blend in perfectly....

I regret it...

"Papa?" I hear a sad voice from where the body of the yellow leader laid.

I walk away not looking back because if I look back I'll be caught and if I'm caught I lose tord...

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