Becky and Seth (private chat)

494 10 3

The lass kicker + The architect

Becky: so what's up with you sethie xx

Seth: I'm just so stressed out with work and everything bex  xx

Becky: well maybe I can help out with that sethie xx

Seth: ooohhhhh really how...  mmmm thinking about you... xx

Becky: mmmmmmm your so hot sethie xx

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Becky: mmmmmmm your so hot sethie xx

Seth: how much do you want me bex xx


Seth: god your so hot 😍😍 I want some of dat asssssss baby xxx

Becky: mmmmmmm come and get it then babe xxx

Seth: my big friend wants it too xxx

Becky: and who might this big friend be ....   xxxx


Seth: do you want it baby xxx

Becky: hella yea i want that xxx

Seth: you can have it tomrrow after work in my locker room 😉😉 xxx

Becky: good can't wait cya then baby xxx

Seth: cya babe xxx

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