The Dance

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Suki was not talking to Hazel at all. She was too busy fuming up what happened the other days. She got the news about the dance a little while later. 

"I wonder what I'm going to wear!" Said Suki excitedly. She got the most prettiest dress. Then, she remembered, what if Hazel copied her again? She decided to wear her most weirdest dress. Leslie won't copy this one, I hope! She thought hopefully. Suki quickly changed and went to the dance.


Suki gasped. Hazel was not wearing the dress she was wearing, instead she was wearing the nicest dress that Suki had planned to wear. Everyone was laughing at Suki. Suki was so angry at Hazel that she wanted to slap her right in tomorrow.

"So, you have decided not to copy me? Well, I think you should have because your style is trash"

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"So, you have decided not to copy me? Well, I think you should have because your style is trash".

Suki was ranging with anger. "Hazel, Did you know I exactly have the same dress as you? Or remember when YOU said you wish you were like me?" Leslie looked at Suki angrily. 

"Hey guys, take her out." She said to the people. A girl and A boy started carrying her. Suki tried to break free, but they carried her tight. Suki yelled, "STOP! STOP! She was the one who copied me! Please have mercy! I have proof!" The girl and the boy looked at each other, then they asked, "How?" Suki was relived,  She took out a little tape recorder. She pressed play. 

"I wish I was you." said Hazel on the tape.  The two people asked if they could borrow it. Suki nodded. They all went back to the dance.

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