Chapter 2

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They rode back to OSP in silence, although the two junior agents were bristling with questions, every time one of them tried to ask, Callen would glare at them then readjust his focus outside the window.

Granger was waiting for them in OPS as they walked into the building.

"I'll take that." He said and grabbed the disc from Callen's hand.

"We need to trade that for Hetty." Callen snapped.

"Agent Callen, we don't negotiate with Terrorists," Vance's image covered the big screen, "However this information will be useful in taking down The Deliverers of Peace." He told them.

"You used us to get this information." Callen snarled mad.

"Ms Lange knew what she was letting herself in for, doing this job. She can take care of herself." Granger said.

"She wouldn't leave one of us behind," Callen said.

"We have to help her!" Deeks said.

"You can't do this!" Sam exclaimed.

"But it's Hetty!" Kensi said.

Vance was shocked at the outpouring of sentiment this team had for its leader, He doubted any team, save for Agent Gibbs' team in Washington, had that kind of loyalty for its leader.

Although he did remember when the whole team quit last time to save her.

"We have a disc delivered earlier…I think maybe you all need to see it."

Vance motioned beside him as one of his techs cued up the disc.

Hetty sat tied to a chair. Looking disheveled and a large bruise forming on her face.

The team instinctively moved closer to Callen to support him as his hands balled into fists but he kept his face a mask.

"I am to tell you that I am well," Hetty said to the camera, "The group that has me wish me no further harm, I am to tell you to find the documents they are looking for and deliver them to an address taped to this disc. They will call with the time." Hetty stopped and looked at the man behind the camera, "I will NOT say that." She said.

A man whose face was covered stepped out from behind the camera and backhanded her again.

"Say it!" A heavily accented voice came from the man.

Hetty looked at them defiantly then spoke quickly in Romanian, "Fiul meu stiu cine sunteti si se uita la casa, incredere in nimeni. Mai ales Granger. Te iubesc nu uita ca unde ma aflu." she said.

Callen tensed as the others not understanding looked at him for a translation.

"She doesn't know where she is," He supplied.

"Stop speaking Gibberish and tell them!" He insisted.

"My son needs to deliver the disc or they will kill me," she said.

The disc cut off.

"We can't help her yet," Vance's voice cut through the screen, "We are looking for the son but can't find him, and the delivery is at the place where the son was found. It is a clue but we don't know where it is and we have 24 hours."

Callen pushed through his friends and grabbed the disc from Granger.

"Callen, just what do you hope to accomplish."

"I'm going to bring her back, before they hurt her even more." He said not able to keep the crack out of his voice as he thought of anyone hurting her.

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