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you have a glass mentality, boy

Ask yourself if you've ever
worked hard for anything

Hey you, what's your dream?
Hey you, what's your dream?
Hey you, what's your dream?
Is that all your dream is?

That's a lie, you such a liar
See me, see me, ya you're a hypocrite
Why're you telling to go a different path? Take care of yourself
Please don't force me
What's your dream, what's your dream?
Is that it? Is that it?


{Who would you save?}

Choi JinWoo
Age: 40
Took upskirt photos of girls

Serving his time in jail since 2016.
Will be released on 30 of September, 2022.

Do SungJae
Age: 29
A guy with wings that went crazy,
and is unable to speak.

Put in the laboratory since 2007.

Kim MiJoo
Age: 26
Conned 153 people out of
an average of $100,050 each.

Serving his time in jail since 2014.
Will be released on 26 August 2019.


"So the 'force' is the pedophile, the 'mentality' is the dude with wings, and the 'liar' is the conman?"

"I guess I'll save the conman."

"He probably had his reasons."

{Who would you save?}
Choi JinWoo
Do SungJae
Kim MiJoo

Are you sure?
Yes | No


With that, Jeongguk clicked the log out button and exited the room.



Sick of the same day, the repeating days
Grown-ups and my parents
keep instilling confined dreams to me
Number one future career is a government worker?
It's not a forced dream, a ninth inning relief pitcher
Throw a fast ball at the waste of time that is night study sessions
Rebel against the hellish society,
dreams are a special pardon
Ask yourself about your dream profile
Become the main subject of your life
that has always been suppressed



[The screen flickered, only to show two men, one of them appearing to have a pair of black wings, fading away]

"su pleh-"



Yes | No

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