it's a new day

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A/N: so for before it starts I wanna apologise for any mistakes in spelling and grammar. I'm not a native English speaker, so please be nice?
I don't own Victorious or any of the characters.
It's a Jori ship. (Beck and Jade are already broken up btw)
I hope you likey

I sigh before pushing the doors open, letting myself into my new school. I let my eyes wander around the lockers and halls amazed by their unique designs. They catch a transparent locker, one with a scissor and a keyboard. I wonder if it's functioning. I squeez eyes shut trying to remember where the school office is. My sister Trina, who's also attending this school, made me come over here and bring her stuff all the time. It's super annoying but in this situation it's actually quite helpful. I find my way through the hall quickly and a few minutes later I hold my schedule. First period: Sikowitz; Acting. I sigh again. Heavier this time. I don't really know if I'm good at acting but suddenly I have to laugh. I can't be that bad I think to myself, since I let people on about me being straight for a few years now. Nobody ever doubted it. And nobody can ever find out. I told my secret once...
I subconsciously sigh for the third time and start searching for my classroom. When I enter I'm still relatively early and only a few people are there. Uncomfortably I sit down in the back and wait as the room slowly fills with students. I don't look at most of them but then I notice a not so unknown face. Andrè. I smile happily. Other than my nerve wrecking, loud sister and him I know no one here so I'm fairly happy to see him. He skips over as he sees me. "Heey Tori, I'm glad you made it." I smile and exhale in relief that he's friendly. "If you want I can introduce you to my friends later at lunch" he grins and I nod "I'd love that". Just then the bell rings and I draw my attention to the stage in front of us. No teacher. And I realize that all students are still chatting and talking about how their weekend went. The door opens again and I turn around expecting this Sikowitz guy but it's not him. I hold my breath. I see absolute beauty. And im not exaggerating. Raven hair with dark blue extensions falling in waves over her shoulders. A cute little nose. Red, beautiful, curved lips. So, so kissable. And her eyes. It's the most stunning and unique color I've ever seen. It's somewhat green mixed with a bright blue. Her clothing of choice is a rather tight black silky shirt and a black leather skirt with buttons and metal and zippers. Her gorgeous, pale legs end in black combat boots. Earth to Tori! You're drooling. I snap out of my trance and gasp. I didn't breath so I'm gasping for air. And I turn bright red immediately. Everybody's looking at me. The girl looks at my. Her eyes pinched together an angry look on this beautiful face of hers. "What you looking at" she kinda snaps and I look down. "Sorry" I mumble under my breath and turn away. I'm so embarrassed. My savior happens to be Sikowitz because the moment he climbs through the window the attention shifts to him. Wait. The Window!? But it's true. Then I remember. It's an art school. I roll my eyes and slowly breath out. It will take a while till I get used to this chiz I guess.
My mind drifts off a little while but then I notice the goddess I was drooling over before practically sitting in front of me. And I'm staring again. I'm a bad actress and I wonder how no one ever suspected I might be a lesbian. On the other hand I never had such a fine peace of eyecandy in sight. Even tho I shouldn't I allow myself to stare a little. God she's so darn pretty. I see her looking over to me out of the corner of her eyes. When she catches me staring she looks away quickly. She didn't seem shy earlier. I wonder what's going on. The teacher in front of us snips hos fingers. "Well, well... let's do some improvising." He looks around. "Jade!" He yells and I jump a little. The girl looks at him. So that's her name. Jade. It suits her so good. I love the way it sounds. She gives him a burning glance and I see Sikowitz interrupted her doodling in her black notebook. I see a little cartoon girl who kinda reminds me of me and I'm startled because it just can't be. "Yes Sikowitz" She sounds so annoyed. "Up on the stage young lady and choose who is to be up there with you" he makes some weird gestures and I see Jade roll her stunning eyes but does it anyway. "Let's see who I choose to be my victim." I see an evil smirk. Sexy smirk. Her eyes scoot over to me and stay locked with mine for a second and then go back to the others. "Cat, Beck, new girl" she spits out the guys name and I look who gets up. I'm kinda nervous. It's a cute red headed girl and a somewhat handsome long haired guy. I go up there as well and just look around awkwardly. "Okay so Cat you're gonna come home with your Daddy, Beck and he catches me cheating with..." Jade looks at me and even tho I don't trust my voice I manage to crack out a small "Tori". "...Tori" She says it super weird like she doesn't like the taste but I swallow hard because if Beck catches her cheating it means some kind of sexual act. I blush. "What Tori? Got a problem with that?" Again there this evil smirk and I can help but getting turned on a little. If she only knew... she'd see that I don't have a problem at all. "No I don't" I counter boldly. Cat and Beck leave the stage pretending to just come home and I see hurt in the pretty boys eyes as he passes me. Jade saw it too and gives me a sexy chuckle. "And....GO" Sikowitz screams and Jade pulls me in running her fingers over my face looking at me with lustful eyes then she pulls me in for a kiss. I hesitate because I want so much more right now. "Be your character Tori" she whispers into the kiss and if she wants it that way she can have it. I cup her cheeks pulling her closer, caressing her cheek, biting her bottom lip down. My left hand leaves her face and slowly goes down the side of her neck keeping constant touch with her somehow then it's on her waist and I crush her body into mine. I lay my hand on her ass and she lifts her leg and I hold it with my hand griping her thigh. My tongue runs over her lip asking for entrance. She seems so bossy but now I'm dominating her and she doesn't seem to have a problem with that. Jade's lips part and I slip my tongue in and I don't even have to fight with her tongue because we're perfectly in sync. Everything's perfect. Her warm, beautiful body pressed against mine, feeling her heartbeat under my fingertips wandering on her neck. It surprises me that it sped up to an insane pace. She holds on tight to me. I flick my tongue and she moans. Suddenly Beck slams his hand on the table next to him. The other one covers cat face. I gasp and nearly bite Jade's tongue as we jump apart, red faced and panting heavily. Jade looks at me, an apologetic look on her face.
What the funk was that...

A/N: so I hope you like the first chapter~

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