The Team

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As we got out the plane Rhett and I walked over to the luggage pick up area of the airport, once we got our stuff we went to the main section where families often waited for their other families but in this case, someone completely oblivious to my existence was about to pick me up. Eli did know my brother in high school they were buddies I guess...In the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a tall and skinny figure, who looked very lost or in search of something. I knew it was him since I had seen pictures of Eli so I began to wave, I had the biggest smile on my face as I walked over to him my brother following behind. When I was about 3 feet away from the man I said: "Hi, nice to meet you I'm Sarah Ellison!" Eli returned my smile and introduced himself, my brother did as well. After a couple of minutes of conversation we began to leave we approached a black Mercedes, Eli opened the trunk, so Rhett and I placed our bags in the compartment.

Time skip: practice field (Sarah)

I stared at the huge building next to the practice field in awe, it was so pretty! Out of nowhere, Eli said, "How about we meet the other players?" I smiled and answered with a simple "Yes!", I waited outside the locker room for the guys to come out, suddenly groups of people began to come out and stared at me as if I was a HUGE pile of steak. I simply smiled at them causing their expressions to soften, realizing I was not only their teammate's sister but also very young. I introduced myself and my brother joined, as I was talking I couldn't help but look at one blonde, his jersey read 13, Odell Beckham Jr.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2018 ⏰

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