Arthur meets The Two Faced Bastard.

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"OVER HERE! You twit! Pick me! I'm the one you want! This passage!"

"Oh no dear,  don't rush her.. come now Annabeth this is the path you must choose, yes, much safer."

I almost couldn't process what I was seeing. Now don't get me wrong, I've seen PLENTY of crazy things in my life. A Holy Grail that looked more like a pulsating drooling mass of crap hovering over a lake instead of an actual.. er.. 'holy grail'.. Agravain riding a donkey in full body armor with a bonnet on his head (long story), and even a dancing tyrannosaurus (VERY long story that one.. Mordred was involved.. all I will say).

But still, nothing could prepare me for a god, dressed as a doorman in a red uniform, with two faces under his doorman's hat. I mean, probably not TOO weird to you fiction readers out there, but once you see it in person, it's quite a sight.

(From what I remember, Sir Robin met a three headed guy.. I'm not sure what happened, but his traveling minstrels kept singing 'Chicken Chicken Sir Robin' after that.)

One of the doorman's faces was grumpy and impatient, with an air about it that suggested recklessness. The face on the right was a smiling friendly face, but to me, it felt as if this false smile hid a darker side.

The aura of course, said god all the way, it didn't feel like a servant, but the magic power streaming from his body was strong enough to be one.."

"Wh.. who that?" muttered Tyson, blinking. "That man have two faces.."

"If anything is to be believed..." Mordred muttered. "HE MUST BE THE GUARDIAN TO SOME TREASURE!!!"

"Mordred not everything is Indiana Jones.." I muttered as I looked at the two shut doors behind the god. "I.. I think this guy is here to confuse us.. "

"I know who he is.." said Annabeth tentatively. "But.. no.. this is too soon.. it can't be that time now.."

"Yes Annabeth.. it's time for you to make your choice.." said the right face cheerfully. "One door leads to certain death, and another leads to what you seek.. but you'll have to pick correctly!"

"YEAH! so hurry up and pick ME!" roared the left face angrily.

"Oh no! Pick my door Annabeth! That's a good girl! You're going to have to make a choice quickly now.. no use dawdling, that's a choice too you know.. heheheheh.."

"Hey! Stop rushing her!" Mordred growled.

"Oh.. you.." muttered the left face, glaring at Mordred with dislike. "I've already run into you.. you've made your choice already.. though it would've been a FAR more interesting choice to decide to keep hating Arty there, you decided to stand WITH her... damn boring a choice if I've ever seen one.. "

"What do you want from us?" I asked. "What is your aim in confusing Annabeth? Are you an ally of Kronos?"

"Ally is such a STRONG word.. but.. well.. yes." said the right face giddily. "But regardless of whose side we're on.. we still govern the same thing.. choice.. and no matter what.. whenever you have to make a life making, or breaking choice... I'll be there.. I'll get to you soon enough Arturia Pendragon.. but for now.."

The doorman grinned with both his heads as he tossed a gold key between each hand. "Choose.. choose.."

"Being bad are we now..? Janus."

A voice spoke as suddenly a new figure entered the room. She was a beautiful woman... if anything, I could probably compare her beauty to Queen Guinevere (and she was a bombshell beautiful woman I tell you). her face was like that of a super model, with soft brown eyes, long licorice hair,  and wearing a beautiful gown that was almost as white as my Saber Lily gown, and a cape of peacock feathers.

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