Chapter 2

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hey sorry i havent updated in a long time i've been busy with my other stories but im going to try update this when i can! x


You screamed in fear at the person who had just broke into your home.He stood there looking at you, he was tall,his face was covered with a black ski mask he was wearing a black leather jacket and black shoes, you couldnt tell who your intruder was.He walked closer to you.

"Get away from me,get out my house!Help, someone help me!" You screamed, then you run to the other side of your bed.The intruder laughed.Within seconds the intruder ran to you grabbing you, he pulled you closer to him so your back was against his body.Both his arms were wrapped around you as you struggled beneath his grip.

"Get off me!Help someone help me, please!Help!Help!" You shouted,panicking and kicking your legs.The person let one of his hands off you and began messing around with something in his pocket that was until he pulled it out the horror came collapsing down on you like a ton of bricks, it was an injection, he was going to inject you with a drug you dont even fucking know.

"Fuck off!No please, dont!Dont inject me please!, no.Please i'll do anything"You cried and continued struggling to get out his grip.The tears began pouring out your eyes more.

"Shh"He whispered in your ear somewhat soothingly,whilst bringing the injection close to your neck.

You screamed.You tried to reach for your straighteners which were on the bedside table,you was crying so much tears was blurring your vision and hurting your eyes.The injection was closer to your neck you had just reached the straighteners when the intruder inserted the injection into your neck pressing down on it putting the clear fluid into you,once the fluid was in you he pulled it out gently that was one advantage.Whilst still strong you whacked the intruder with the straighteners into his side.He groaned and let you go, you then hit him in his belly with the straighteners, instantly you threw the straighteners onto your bed.You became lightheaded and felt weak second by second.You tried running out your bedroom door.

"Owwww,what... the fuck...did you...inject me wi-"You slurred out then fell on the floor landing on your side.You groaned at the pain then blinked once watching him get closer to you then suddenly it all became black.The intruder tied your hands together with a piece of rope and same with your legs then picked you up and carried you to his car.He shoved you in the back and he got in the front driving you to an unknown place...

Owned By Luke Hemmings|LH FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now