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i was walking through the hallway. ya know, like the typical student does going from class to class. i walk down the shit-stenched aisle towards the door i was going to pass through and this bitch comes right through it, as my hand is on the handle, hitting me with the mf door. oh and get this— she saw me coming, there's a window on the other side. i was going to ignore the awkward scenario, until i heard the sassy sucking of her teeth as i passed her. i turned around.

"yo regina u tryna say somethin?" i put on my most intimidating voice.

"my name isn't fucking Regina u prick go fuck urself."

i was astonished by the magnitude of disrespect. i had to take further action. i chased that bitch down and yanked her pony tail down to the cold floor.

"bitch don't ever disrespect me yurd?"

"omg why are u talking like that what are u from ny or something LMAO"

she continued to disrespect me. i didn't know what to do.

"like seriously, u live in my neighborhood.. we live in a gated community and the houses are two stories who tf r u tryna be sis"

i was absolutely dumbfounded.

"im bouta know yo pussy ah out if u keep talkin reckless GLEE"

"i mean sure thing but at least i won't sound like a fucking retard when i wake up LMFAOO"

i let go of her pony tail and walked off. i was thinking to myself if i should've done it. physically i would've bested her, but she got inside me.. platonically. i lost my pride to regina. her name wasn't even regina. she jus felt like one to me. i think about regina everyday. will regina reenter my life? regardless whether she does or doesn't, she will haunt the hallways of every building i walk into. and doors.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2018 ⏰

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