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hyunjin coughed again.

and the screams were
so much louder.

because when the blue
disappeared the pain
became worse.

and hyunjin knew that his
decision laid so heavy in
his chest.

and the screams became
so much louder.

and the violet so
much darker.

and there was this eerie veil
covering his sight and
stopping him from seeing
the shimmering of the blue
petals under the cold
fluorescent moonlight and
letting him hear the
screaming of the violet
petals so much more.

so much better.

and it was terrifying.

all the screaming
and screaming
and just so much burgundy.

and then,
and then there was
just nothing.

just nothing anymore.

only this laugh,
dripping with honey
and feeling like velvet.

blue. || Changbin x HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now