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Today, Megan is in high school. She continued to write entries, which helped her talk about problems without anyone to actually talk to. She planned on becoming a writer, and publishing the story about Davis.

Ever since 1st grade though, Megan refused to make friends. Nobody ever found out Megan saw it, but hearing stories on the news and from her mother (who worked at a hospital and had many kids around her age have suicide attempts) always made her remember.

About 4th or 5th grade, Megan's grandfather died on her dad's side. He shared Megan's birthday, and died on that day. First year of high school after, her other grandfather died in September.

Every year in September something bad happened to Megan. It could range from something simple like a friend drifting away, to something advanced like a death of a loved one. Either way, Megan considered all of September cursed.

At first in 2nd grade, Megan's mom found it odd that she didn't want a birthday party, but with the reoccurring request Megan's mom didn't bother asking every year.

Megan still keeps the otter toy she had been given at the birthday party in memory of Davis. Spencer moved at the end of 1st grade to who-knows-where.

Despite her severe depression and scarred memory, Megan never did anything bad. She never self harmed and never attempted suicide.

But today was different.

Megan was in her math class, and definitely wasn't the smartest. She sat at her desk drawing until class started, but a boy and a girl stood infront of the desk and looked down to her drawing.

"What'cha drawing?" The girl smiled down to Megan, who looked up to her confused. "Oh uh... Just I don't know.. Stuff, I guess. Why?" Megan said, struggling to communicate. It had been ages since another student spoke a word to her. "Well.. We like drawing too! I've seen your drawings in calculous, and they're amazing!" The girl explained, still smiling. "Thanks I guess.." Megan responded, going back to her drawing.

"That's why we wanna be your friends! We see you don't have many, and you sit alone at lunch, so we thought we'd be your friends." The boy spoke.


Megan was out of words. What did she say? She'd never had this happen before! Does she say yes? Does she decline? They're strangers after all. But so was Davis before they were friends. But what if these two commit suicide on her birthday to, let alone suicide at all.

Some risks are worth taking...

"My name's Megan." Megan held out a hand, and the girl shook her hand. "Skylar, nice to meet you, and this is Jack." The girl who claimed to be Skylar used her free hand to point to the boy, who's name was Jack. "Nice to meet you." Jack smiled to Megan.

Megan took a look at both of them. And smiled.

"Nice to meet you too."

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