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The sound of rain hits the window beside you. You find that calming, yet you listen to music. Your earbuds expel a muffled sound as your volume is at its maximum capacity. People come and go through the train. Some stay for 5 minutes some leave for 1 minute. You stay there at the last stop since you work far away from your home. *ding* Someone with a familiar scent walks through the door. You know him. He was your ex-boyfriend. "Still wearing the same strong cologne," you quietly say to yourself.

You didn't even want to look at him. You felt embarrassed to even show your face to him since he humiliated you by cheating on you with a girl you don't even know. Something is different though. Behind him was a girl. She seemed familiar too. She had his sweater on, the same one you used whenever the rain fell hard. As they sit down in front of you, you look away, staring out the window reminiscing about the lovely times you had with him. It made you tear up. The little giggles came out of the girl's mouth which made you choke on your cries. You finally had the courage to show your face to your ex and his new girlfriend. They both look at you. They face one another looking back and forth between them and you. Your eyes were wide but you had to look away before you cried. You let out a sigh to calm yourself down. "Next stop is ______."

Your stop was here. You got up and walked out of the train. You again heard giggles and quiet laughs from the two of them. It made you think that you were used. As you continue to the cafe, you bump into someone. "Ah! S-sorry," you say.

"Ahah, It's okay, are you okay though?" The tall teen said.

"Y-yes, yes, I'm okay." You studder.

"That's good," He says in relief.

You look at your watch which read 7:56. Your shift starts at 8. "I have to go. Then again, I am so sorry for bumping into you."

"Wait what's your name?!" He yells.

You continue to run, ignoring his question.


You have arrived and you went to go change into your uniform. You look at the time, 8:02. Whew, "I'm not lat-" You stopped to continue your sentence when you saw your manager looking at you shaking his head.

"Sorry! I- the train- the-" You struggle to complete the sentence.

"It's fine, just don't do it again." He says with a doubting look.

You continue your day with a few simple orders, but then this happened.

"Hey! I told you that she wanted him as a boyfriend, not a friend." One girl said.

"You said friend! You completely missed the part with a boy in it!!!"

"It's not my fault that you're deaf." She says back.

"Excuse me?! I thought we were friends. Why are you acting like a b*tch?! Oh nevermind, you already were one when I met you."

"Huh, If you already knew I was one then why the hell are you asking me for advice?"

"I thought I trusted you that's why! Now, I'm second guessing myself."

One girl grabs her drink and attempts to throw it at her. It was a good throw but the other girl dodged it. The hot drink flew in the air towards the door that was being pushed by someone on the other side. "Ow!" He yells out in pain.

"A-are you okay?!" The girl who threw the drink says.

"Ah yeah... I'm f-fine." He replies.

"Let me help." The one who dodged said.

"No! Let me." The other one said.

Are these girls seriously fighting over him? Wow. You thought. Well, not gonna lie, he was good looking.

"Oh shit, we have to go Haeun, It's already 9:50!" One of them said.

"Dang, See you later ;)"

You went to go help the masked teen. You took out your towel and started to wipe his chest. He grabs your wrist before you could continue. You look at him, confused. He seems to be looking away from you. You saw his ears, they were red. He was blushing... You look back and forth at him and what you were doing before. You soon realize that what you were doing was pretty embarrassing, you pull your hand away from his tight grip. "Do you have a changing room I could use?" He asked

"Ah, yes. In the back." You point towards the back door.

"Oh, thanks."

"No problem..."

He goes toward the change room. You decide to give him a towel to dry himself off. You fetch the towel and opened the door. He was in the middle of taking off his shirt. You blush and you quietly set the towel aside and closed the door.

(Teens POV)

"That girl seems nice." You say to yourself.

You hear the door open behind you but you didn't care, so you continue to take your shirt off. The sound of a soft object fell beside you, but you waited until the door closed to check it out. When the door closed you turned around. It was a towel.

(Narrator/Y/N POV)

As you continue your shift he came out and ordered coffee. It was a simple order so you decided to give it to him on the house. You press the button to call the customer out to get their coffee. *Beep* was the sound of the table alarm going off. It was an annoying sound.

"Thank you, but how much is it?" He asks

"It's on the house." You smile at him.

*Ding dong* The door at the front opened. "Oh my God!!! It's Na Jaemin!!" The person at the door said.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" The group of girls screamed from the outside.

"Help me!!" He looks at you with a concerned look.

"W-what's happening?!"

He Wants Me Backحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن