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Knock Knock....


Dahyun felt a little nervous, and she was doing fine this entire time.

She had finally switched into the classes that were more suitable for her.

It was final.

So, now was the time to actually meet people.


There was a muffled male voice, and Dahyun suspected he was in the middle of teaching.

"Before we begin the new unit, let's do a review from the booklet provided. Just to confirm we are all on the same page--one moment class." Foot steps were heard, and slowly Dahyun's heart began to race.

Dahyun shut her eyes tightly, biting her lip. She actually felt bad.

Can you believe that?

She was the one who interrupted the class.


Omg this is it! I, the new student from Seoul, is going to be the main source of attention.

Oh cheesebuckets. I'm not okay with this.

A whirl of thoughts continued to make her heart race in anxiety, at this point. Maybe she should ditch and run away from school. Lie to her parents that she got suspended and it was time to go back to Seoul again. Maybe ——

It was as if it were in slow motion. The door knob slowly twisted, following the opening of the door.

Dahyun was purely shocked at the person standing before her. So young, so handsome.

Looking up at the tall and well built male, Dahyun's jaw almost dropped to the ground.

The guy was so well put together. It's like he had his shit together. She could feel it.

His whole aura was screaming Yes, I'm so damn hot and you know it. Bow down.

And believe it or not, Dahyun would've bowed to him, with a large banana leaf in her hand. However, it wasn't appropriate for her to do.

Maybe...after school? Uh--

He was the most handsome man Dahyun had ever laid eyes on.

You gotta be fucking kidding me. He's the chem teacher!!!??

"Ah, I was notified a few moments ago. You're our new student?" The man tilted his head, and Dahyun wanted to squeal then and there. She was already his fan. If he was an idol, he would be her bias.

"Uh y-yyes. I'm the new student." A blush had crept across her cheeks, as she stood awkwardly. She didn't know where to keep her hands, so she dropped her arms to her sides like a lifeless.

"Come on in." The smile, that revealed insanely white teeth almost blinded her. But honestly, if she became blind because of his pearly whites, she would be okay with it.

Totally fine.

Making room for Dahyun, she stood timidly and walked behind the teacher.

She quickly viewed the blackboard, noticing 'Welcome to Chemistry class! My name is Kim Seokjin, pleased to meet you.'

Mr Kim seemed so cute! She could already feel that she would enjoy this class. Staring at him is good enough.

"Do welcome yourself. We are glad to have a new student." Mr Kim's tone was warm and very welcoming. After a boring morning, this is what she needed.

Well here goes nothing.

"Im Dahyun. New student of course, originally from Seoul. I'm looking forward to this term, and I hope to meet some wonderful people. I don't bite!" Laughter was heard amongst the crowd, truly making her smile.

This time, her intention was to make someone laugh. The entire class did, so she was happy.


Few moments had gone by, and Mr. Kim told Dahyun to sit beside a tall lean boy with blonde hair. The dimples took her offguard, when he had smiled at her.

Great now she finds a potential classmate cute and the teacher.

She was so eager to learn, she didn't even know where that motivation came from. Mostly, she wanted to stare at the teacher.

She would learn chemistry all day, thanks to Mr. Kim.


Someone had whispered nearby, making Dahyun turn towards the unknown voice.

She had noticed, it was from a boy with brunette hair and plump lips.

Dahyun didn't notice him before, but what really got her attention was the little folded piece of paper in her hand.

"Read this paper." The guy whispered, looking towards the teacher. His back was faced towards the students, writing formulas on the board. He quickly leaned forward, basically tossing the paper onto Dahyun's desk. Her eyebrows furrowed questioningly as he sat back, continuing to write in his notepad as if nothing had happened.

Regardless, she placed her pencil on her desk, deciding to open the note. She found it really strange to receive a note from a stranger.

But, when she did read it, she couldn't help but smile. It was much longer than she expected.

'It may be awkward for you Miss Seoul, to be the new student :) So I am more than happy to make you feel comfortable soon. I have dance next after this class. If we have the same class, we can definitely walk together.'


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