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Ben. From my hometown. He followed me.
I started to breath heavy
I got the traumatic scenes back in my head. I ran into the bathroom I washed my face with water trying to calm down
,,Someone saw a ghost ?"
A girl was also in the bathroom.
I looked into the mirror seeing her standing behind me. It was the girl from outside.
,,I'm Veronica and you are ?"
,,Well Sophia I think you are new here so you can't know but I wouldn't use the water as a face wash. It would only get dirtier"
I giggled a bit
,,The school doesn't really care about hygienic stuff right ?"
She smiled
,,I have to go it was nice talking to you"
Veronica left the bathroom
I had a smile on my face a real smile not like usual.
I took a last deep breath and left the bathroom too.
No Ben.
I quickly went to my next class.
And again Felix was there I sat next to him
I smiled
He smiled back as a hello.
I looked over to a girl who had an aggressive face and I frowned looking to the teacher quickly.
Class kept going and when it finished the aggressive girl ran out
,,What's her problem ?"
Felix looked at me
,,That's Janet just ignore her she is pretty dramatic"
I nodded and left the art room
Felix stayed there looking at something.
I went to my locker putting my bag in ready for lunch but then someone slammed my locker door.
It was Veronica she seemed piss
,,Wtf Sophia"
I frowned
,,You come here as the new girl and now saying to everyone that you will take my status ?!"
,,I didn-"
She interrupted me
,,You will regret this"
She presses a still hot cigarette against the back of my neck leaving a burned mark.
Do not cry Sophia.
,,You better don't come in my way !"
She said and went to a guy
I rubbed my neck in pain and went outside quickly holding back my tears suddenly I heard a familiar voice
,,Aw Sophia don't like you had a good start ?"
I turned around it was Ben.
,,What are you doing here ?!"
,,I want to be with you Soph"
,,You ruined my fucking life Ben. Isn't that enough ?!"
,,Oh c'mon"
,,Just stay the fuck away from me"
He put his hands on my waist
I moved my hand in the direction where usually my knife was but my mother took it away.
Someone ran up and pushed Ben away.
,,You wanna fight huh ?"
,,Felix  it's okay"
Felix looked at me then Ben punched him.
,,BEN you fucking fuck"
I pushed him away
,,Leave ! Or I'm going to call the police"
Ben gave me an aggressive look and left.
I quickly helped Felix up
,,Are you okay ? I'm so sorry"
,,Yea yea"
He hold his nose
,,Let's go to the nurse"
I said
He nodded and we went there

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