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Remus POV

EVERY SINGLE DAY!! Seriously, not a single day has passed where I haven't walked into a first year in the 3 weeks I've been back at hogwarts. But that time when I dropped my books, it wasn't a first year I'd walked into. It was Sirius Black. The boy with galaxy eyes I could swim so far into I'd get lost and dark hair tumbling to his shoulders more beautiful than any girls' I'd ever seen. There are not many males you could describe as beautiful but Sirius is. My heart skipped a beat (who am I kidding.. about 50 beats) as he lent down to help me pick them up. My hand brushed against his sending a glorious shiver all over my pale skin. When we'd stood up I looked, speechless, into his eyes and it may have been my imagination but it felt like he was looking into mine too. Before I could utter a word, his best friend James grabbed his arm and pulled him down the stone corridor. Breathlessly I gripped my books and hurried to the Gryffindor common room.

I slumped in an armchair facing the roaring fire, sweating my arse off but the flames' dance moves were so mesmerising I couldn't tear my eyes from them. Suddenly the soft, oddly low voice of my best friend ,Lily ,woke me from my trance.
'So... Remus. Can I assume your speechlessness is the effect of another romantic rendezvous with a certain constellation?' As always she was just mocking me but the thought of Sirius stopped me from caring. Lily hadn't stopped teasing me about him since she discovered my 'hopeless love's as she liked to call it, for him. The self deprecating, self loathing part of me always assumes he hates me as much as I hate myself, but some part of me always wondered if he liked me too. I knew there was only one way to find out but I simply couldn't bring myself to confess to him. We weren't even friends.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of my idiotic roommate Peter muttering to himself about who knows what, making want to punch him in the you know what. However, now I was up, I thought it best to get dressed and head to the great hall for ample jam on toast. When I arrived, I perched at the Gryffindor table, opposite lily who, as always, was on her third espresso of the morning. Bellatrix, a raven haired slytherin beauty, flicked me on her way to her table causing Lily's temper to match her fiery red hair. I grabbed her hands to calm her and piled eggs onto her plate. All of a sudden, I felt someone squish into the seat next to me, and James next to lily. My breath laboured, I turned my haired to see Sirius smirking back at me with his cute but sexy smile. He motioned to lily and winked at me. (SIRIUS BLACK WINKED AT ME) Then thus conversation went down between lily and James.
Lily: Oh Remmy look it's potter
James: delighted to see you as always, Evans 
Lily: Just say what you came to see and leave, ok?
James: I heard a rumour that you and snivelous are in love
Lily: Please, I'd rather date Bellatrix than him
James: I knew it was a lie! You'd never cheat on me.
Lily: Cheat on what douchebag
James just winked at the girl. Sirius leaned in till I could smell the warming coffee and cinnamon from his breath and feel it on my cheek and whispered in my ear "killed it".

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