"I'm yours"

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My mood is on
And this isn't wrong
Dancing in the moonlight
And I'm felling high

I'm not drunk
But I can't feel
Where you left your mark
Meaning I'm yours

You said I'm pretty
And I feel happy
I tried to face it
That I have a thing
For you

I start to laught
With no reason
Felling high
Felling fine

You look at me
Smiling softly
You grab my hand
And hold tight

My mood is on
And this isn't wrong
Dancing in the moonlight
And I'm felling high

I'm not drunk
But I can't feel
Where you left your mark
Meaning I'm yours

Its past midnight
And we are alone
Talking about the stars
And their light

You squeeze my hand
And I look at you
You grab my face
And you kiss me

My mood is on
And this isn't wrong
Dancing in the moonlight
And I'm felling high

I'm not drunk
But I can't feel
Where you left your mark
Meaning I'm yours

You start to fade
You dissapeared
I open my eyes
And look arround
And I understand it was just a dream

My mood is on
And this isn't wrong
Dancing in the moonlight
And I'm felling high

I'm not drunk
But I can't feel
Where you left your mark
Meaning I'm yours

But maybe one day ,
I will see you at the
Coffee shop...

Nothing and EverythingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ