Let's get started

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Bubbly:To get this started I'm going to make a asks myself

Virgil: is that even allowed

Bubbly: now it is, hey Patton who do you ship hear

Patton : *whispers* Roman and Virgil would be super cute together.

Bubbly: *whispers* you like Logan don't you


Bubbly: dude chill. You just dint ship him with someone else

Patton:oops hehe

Logan :*enters room* what is all the Ruckus about

Bubbly: 😏oh it's just about-

Patton: NoThiNg aT aLl

Logan:do you need some cough medicine you throat sounds soar

Patton:*blushes*im fine

Logan: okay then see you later them*disappears*

virgil:*un corner*lol

Roman:what's happing hear?

Virgil:*blushes intensely *

Bubbly:omg wear having a gay party

Roman: what?

Bubbly: nevermind

The next few hours were spent Roman complaining how he wasn't invited , Patton and bubbly shipping their heads of ,Virgil being a blushing mess on the floor and Logan being confused while Thomas was sleeping

The next day~

Bubbly : hey Thomas

Thomas: what?

Bubbly: How am I talking to the sides?

Thomas: I don't know actually.Maybe you can ask Logan ?

Bubbly: k thanks can you call him ?

Thomas:*calls Logan *

Logan: why was I called hear?

Thomas: Bubbly was wondering how she can go in and out of my brain

Logan: well when Bubbly was born she was born which many powers and one if them was mind reading


Logan: that's basically it

Bubbly : wow

Bubbly:well bye guys

Bubbly:hopefully we get more asks 😊

Ask the Sanders!!! .....and me.........mostly meWhere stories live. Discover now