Chapter 1

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Anthony's POV

I walked through the streets of Chicago on my way home from school. It was getting cold, but I didn't care. As I pulled out my mp3 player, I didn't notice the man walking towards me and I bumped into him.
"Oh sorry, sir," I said. The man gave me a creepy smile.
"Its okay, son," he replied. And with that we went our separate ways.
When I got home I threw my bag on the floor and went into the kitchen. As I looked through the fridge I heard the door slam shut.
"Mom?" I asked. I stood up straight and looked around. When I got no reply I went back to looking through the fridge. Then I felt a hand clamp down on my shoulder. I spun around and saw the man I bumped into earlier. I froze in fear. The man gave me the same creepy smile. I knew I had to do something, so I got away from them and grabbed a frying pan. The man came at me and I swung the pan and hit my leg. I fell down and he still came at me. I swung the pan again and hit his hand. He grabbed the pan and threw it before he grabbed me. I bit him but he continued to drag me away. I was kicking around and hit my head on the back door. The man forced me up and hit my head aginst the back railing. I could feel blood trickle down my face and almost blind me. Then I passed out.

Nick's POV

I walked out of the school and got blinded by the sun. I looked around for my mom, but didn't see her. I sighed and caught the bus before it left.
When I got home there was no one. I looked at the clock. It was almost time for my dance class. He sighed as he grabbed his dance bag and left the house. He figured it'd be a while before anyone came back to the house, so he should just decided to walk to dance class. As I walked I noticed a van driving down my street. It had out of state plates on it and looked severly out of place. I tried to ignore it and continue on my way to dance class. But then the van tried to hit me. I kept oving out of the way of the van and it kept coming at me. I was paying attention to where I was escaping from the van and ran into a pole. I fell to the ground and everything went black.

Chaz's POV

I was so bored of school. It was only a month into my senior year and I was getting sick of it. I sat impatiently waiting for school to end when the science teacher's classroom phone rang. He seemed irritated by it and answered the phone. The conversation was very short and he turned to the class.
"Chaz, you have been excused," he said. I grabbed my bag and lef the room so fast it probably made the teacher's head spin.
When I got to the main office I noticed that the person who signed me out wasn't a family friend or member. I had never seen him before in my life. I turned away to walk back to class, but that's when he dropped his first lie.
"Chaz, is it? I came to get you. Your mother is sick and your father sent me to get you," he said. I paused and turned to face him. I couldn't say anything. He took this opportunity to take me by the arm and take me to his van. He managed to get me into the back and from there someone knocked me out.

Tommy's POV

The crisp Brooklyn air blew in my face as I walked home. I wanted to sleep for hours, but knew I had too uch homework and dance practice.
I was a block away from my house when something shiny caught my eye. I had to go see what it was. As I knelt down to check it out, someone slammed my face into the ground. After that I have no clue what was going on. I wasn't passed out, but I was dazed. I felt like I was being pulled further into the alleyway. By the time I did pass out I was laying on a floor.

Josh's POV

I wandered aimlessly through the mall. It was a Tuesday and school had been cancelled due to a break in the water pipe. My mom took me and my brother to the mall and told us to be careful. Four boys had already gone missing and she didn't us to be added to the list.
As I tried to find the food court I felt like I was being followed. I walked into a Forever 21 and someone was following me. I saw them try to not get caught. I decided to indulge the person in a game of catch. I walked around Forever 21 then left. The person was confused and I thought I did good. But then I bumped into someone. They were a little on the tall side and were wearing all black. I had fallen on my butt. The man held out a hand to help me up. I took his hand and he pulled me up. 
"Watch where you're going," the man said. I nodded, a little dazed. I stood up and looked at the man. He had black hair and cold grey eyes.
"D-do you know where the food court is?" I asked. The man nodded and I followed him. That was a mistake. The man brought me to the back of the mall. Then he pulled something out and covered my face with it. I fell to the floor.

Ben's POV

I was wandering around the theatre I was going to play at that night. I wanted to see all of it before I had to leave in two days. As I looked around the grand theatre, I noticed a man. He was sitting near the orchestra pit reading a paper. I thought he worked for the theatre and didn't say anything about it.
"Come on, Ben," one of the cast members yelled to me. I ran over to her. But I never made it there. Something tripped me. I heard her yell and then I saw the man standing above me. I got to my knees and the he pushed me down. My head hit something and I passed out.

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