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I had the weirdest fucking dream right now and I couldnt wake up
So I got on the bus but I got on the wrong bus and somehow this kid from my school was in my dream and went with me on the wrong bus we got to a school and animal shelter thing??and it was snowing we went near like really deep snow and I saw a river and the kid (I know his name I'm just not giving it out) was right next to it I was about to say "hey dude watch out" but I saw something move the pieces of ice in the river I tryed to say "something is in the river!" But I couldn't the animal was near the edge in front of me and it was s polar bear??? Wtf so I ran but not really fast (I really hate the dreams where you try to run but your slow as heck so ye)
The polar bear ran after me and kinda bit me on the leg and I fucking felt it in real life!!! What in the world so the polar bear didn't like bite me until I bleed no it was a soft bite and then another one came and then a woman came with kids and the kid that I know was next to me and then we went to this button thing the kid pressed it and a little beep could be heard and then I finally was able to get out of my dream cause I couldn't wake up and it felt really weird when I was dreaming and whenever I tried to wake up I felt something pushing into my right side of my chest (not my bobs on top of them duh) and yeah so then I started telling you what happened in my dream and I said-

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