Chapter 10: I'll be alright

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David POV:
I woke up to once again find a sleeping max on my chest. I wasn't bothered by it though. His warmth was comfortable, and he wasn't heavy at all. His snores were almost like purrs as he slept.

I laid there and admired him, until I realized we were on the couch. We must've fallen asleep here last night.
I looked at the watch on my wrist to find that the time read 10:08 am.
I figured that was late enough to get up,  so I gently got up and laid the sick boy on the couch. I'd wake him up in about an hour. I made myself a quick bowl of cereal. Today I wasn't feeling like making breakfast.

I just felt like slouching on the couch with max. I guess living with max gave me an element of his laziness, or perhaps, his cold.

As I sat down on the couch, I again reminded myself that I couldn't get to comfortable, because today was the appointment with the CPS officer. I didn't want to bring max, he seemed so happy now, and I feared that bringing him to talk about his parents would just bring him down more. So maybe I would leave him with Gwen.
I flipped on the tv and started channel surfing when I heard a tiny yawn erupt to my right.

"Well good morning." I said with a soft smile.

"Mhh." Max groaned, then rubbed his eyes.

"You look exhausted, you probably need your rest." I tucked the boy back in.

Now that I was properly thinking about it, maybe going out wasn't such a good idea. I just wanted to make max happy, but by doing so, I've made everything worse. I'm such a bad parent.
I thought to myself.

I felt my stomach ache of guilt of what I had put max through the day before. He was sick, and had a head injury, what was I thinking? I guess I wasn't thinking at all. Before I knew it the guilt and regret rushed to my head and I began to feel my head pound.
But all that changed as soon as I felt the warmth of a sleepy max yet again on my side.
That made me feel some sort of release, like maybe I could just relax. But before I knew it Gwen was at the door and it was 11:00 am.

I had forty five minutes to get ready and at the CPS agency.

Max POV:
David said he had to go somewhere, I was sorta suspicious at first, but my pounding headache was telling me it was probably nothing. Before he could sit up he cupped his hand over my burning forehead. And gave a small glare of worry.

But at that moment I was too loopy to care. I heard the conversation of Gwen and David in the background, but the words blurred and all I could focus on was the slow moving pictures on the tv.
The world began to get darker and darker until I gave in. 

It felt as though I was only asleep for a few seconds when I was awoken from my deep slumber by Gwen.


"Mmmmmm-" I angrily grumbled with my face smushed into the couch.

"Max." She said flatly.

"Wha.." I mumbled lifting my face slightly off the couch.

"You need to take your medicine every two hours, max." She held a spoon of that dreadful purple liquid.

I then snapped out of my dream realm, by the remembrance of the sickening taste of the thick liquid. There was no way that I was going to take that nasty shit again.

I sat up and rubbed my already throbbing head. I rubbed my eyes and started to notice Gwen pouring the liquid into the spoon. I wanted to gag as the not so friendly familiar scent blew into me.

"Here," Gwen handed me the spoon carefully.

"No fucking thanks. And besides, I don't need it, you're cool enough to know that right?" I shook my head, and turned my body away.

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