Ch.1- Me Myself and... Pizza!

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This is my first Naruto Fanfiction, I hope you like it. I tried at least. Like really hard (TT_TT) :D No hating ok you can hate if you want I ain't stopping you. I just got my done so I can't! Lol popular girl stereotypes I love it! Ok I'll stop rambling, ENJOYYYY! ^.^

Amaya on side------->


"And you are all dismissed, but remember Exams are next week so STUDY!" The older grey haired professor yelled to get everyone's attention, as students filed out to their dorms, apartments, and after class 'activities' *wink wink*.

Sighing I slowly grabbed my text books and strolled outside as the cold breeze hit my face making me at the collar of my jacket. Gradually I walk through the town stopping to get my favorite cinnamon and caramel latte and a lemon poppyseed muffin.

After I unhurriedly enjoyed my appetizing snack I finally made it to my 2 bedroom apartment my parents got me for graduating high school at sixteen. I'm kind of a genius, A MAD GENIUS MWHAAHAHA!

Slowly I trudged through the lobby, up a flight of stairs, and enters my apartment thinking of the pizza sitting in my fridge my mouth drooling at the thought. (Yeah I know I just ate so what ill burn off the calories... later!) I lazily took off my brown bomber jacket, my black combat boots, and my old black and brown baseball cap. I quickly looked in the mirror to see my long blonde hair falling out of its' bun and my bright blue eyes, now dull and exhausted.

'Yuck! Is that a pimple!? Oh, oops! It is just a piece of a Poptart I snuck into class! hehe...' \/(^w^)\/

Chuckling to myself I tiredly walked to the bathroom and showered, appreciating the soothing warm water.

Then I changed from my black skinny jeans and pink primrose T-shirt to my black pajama shorts and a baggy grey shirt that sometimes fell a little to low on my shoulders. Learned to know to where a sports bra with this shirt the hard and might I say awkward way. -_- I am so sorry pizza delivery dude, I swear, it was an accident!

Suddenly my smartphone rings and flashes, lighting my dim apartment.

"Hello?"I answer.

"Hey Amaya!" My friend, Traci, screams into the phone making my ears bleed. I think I'm deaf now... Great.

"Holy Mint Flying Bunnies will you shut it Traci! You are going to make my head explode!" I hissed into the phone.

"Oh cheer up Ms. Chiyo and don't be a buzz kill! You're only 18, this is a time to partayyyyyyy don't be such a Baka!" Traci and I laughed at her Naruto reference.

"Don't call me that though." I scowled.

"What Ms. Chiyo or buzz kill?" She asked innocently.

"Both! Now what do you want?" I asked.

"What?" Traci asked confused.

"You wanted to tell me something..." I said making the 'are you kidding' face to no one, but the coffee table.

"Huh?" she said still confused.


"Ohhh, yeah." she said sheepishly laughing, "Just wanted to remind you of the movie is in theaters on Saturday and we are going.... 5 days!!!!" Traci cheered making me hiss in pain.

"Yeah, I-"

"Oh, and bring a date 'cause I'm bringin' Jae! Ok, BYE!" she screamed making me wince and nonchalantly sigh.

Man, this calls for some Naruto and day old cheese pizza from Pizza Hut! Yay! Loner life!

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