The Next steps

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*10 years later*

Izuku was now 15 and in a partnership with allmight. It was unofficial, off the radar. That's not to say no one noticed the new additions and applications izuku had added to make allmights suit more practical. This features included the gauntlet that Allmight wore in his afore mentioned battle, izuku wove in an an altered, experimental kevlar he created so that was equip with shock absorption capabilities which the majority of which was centred around allmights wound which, after they x-ray, they discovered his stomach was shredded  and it was discovered that this wound was eating away at his physical body and meaning allmight could not maintain his muscle form for more than 1 hour allmight was becoming more and more concerned each day as his fatigue was taking a toll on his physical as well in turn decreasing his timer on his muscle form.

The young cinnamon bun had also greatly changed from his pure innocent younger self. Instead he had grown a somewhat ADHD like condition meaning he couldn't sit still and would always be either fidgeting or tampering with one of his contraptions, which now littered his room.

Izuku kept up a training regiment with allmight these past Years which led to becoming jacked. This although allmights never said it aloud, made allmight determine that izuku was by far the most suitable successor of one for all. The problem however lay within izuku himself he had no real motivation to become a hero and his ambitious would not waver even when allmight would subtlety test his conviction to become so and each time izuku would still explain about his goal and nothing would stop. It was a trait to be admired, but also held him back from becoming probably the greatest hero off all time.

Izuku had picked up a strange... Sense of style. He had gained this when he went on a training trip with allmight to London ((Homeland :D)) in which they met a few British heroes and did some training. Izuku, being the good role model student he is, decided to increase his knowledge of culture visited a Victorian steam punk themed museum in which izuku became obsessed with this style and began to implement it into his life first by manufacturing clothes in this sense and even decorating his room with cogs and gears.

Now that we're all caught up let's continue with the story...

*After school*

Izuku sprinted off to train with allmight apologising to bakugou that he couldn't hang out with them. He sprinted and made it to dagobah municipal beach within 12.5 minutes his personal recorded.

He met up with allmight who was in his smallmight form looking particularly weak today. "Ah... Young midoriya nice to see you so prepared for training"

"Allmight?" Izuku said puzzled " what's the problem" allmight had never been really good at keeping secrets particularly from izuku he had a sixth sense for this stuff "well..." The anorexic man began "my timer has gone down again. At this rate I will burn out one for all before I can find a successor." Izuku face adopted a worried and surprised look all at once " so midoriya my question for you is... Will you become the next successor of one for all." Izuku was honored however " I'm sorry allmight but... I can't I'm going to run a support a company such an amazing quirk like that would be wasted on me.." Izuku looked down he new he had disappointed allmight. However to his surprise allmight began to laugh " I thought you would say something along those lines so I came with a solution." Izuku was puzzled "eh?" He said confused but equally intrigued by his teachers solution " what if you did both?" This revaluation was like a slap to the face at how laughably obvious it was "becoming a pro hero and a support agent?" Izuku was becoming more and more interested by the second "with your skill in manufacturing it wouldn't be hard for you to finish hero orders in no time so youd be sitting board the majority of the time regardless so what better than to utilize that spare time to the fullest." Izuku had a spark in his eye, he'd been given solution to both of their future problems albeit one that was so simple it was laughable how obvious it had been. "So midoriya I'll ask you this again.......... Will you be the successor of one for all?" Izuku responded almost instantly saying "YES!!!" "Now then young midoriya" allmight transformed into his muscle form
"Eat this!!!" Allmight plucked out one of his unaturaly spiky hairs and held it out to midoriya "do I have to?" Midoriya whined while craning his neck " if you want to become my successor than... Yes" izuku reluctantly took the hair and ate it repressing the urge to hurl.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Sep 20, 2018 ⏰

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