Chapter One

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Welcome to ENCRYPTED, Sequel to HACKED! If you have not read HACKED yet then I highly suggest that you do so. I hope you will enjoy this book and please comment and vote!

Sorry that this story took so long to publish. I've been super busy lately and Wattpad deleted about 600 words from the original copy, which I had to rewrite. The joy of writing on my phone without a backup copy. Anyways, I'll stop talking now so you can get on with the story.

Neal's POV
It's been two days since Blair disappeared and I haven't slept since. We've tried everything to find out where she might've gone but everything's come up negative. The traffic cams have been disabled and erased and her tracker has gone silent. I didn't even think that they could do that.

I paced back and forth, twirling the pen I was holding between my fingers. There must've been something that we've missed.

A hand was placed on my shoulder. Peter. "We're going to find her, Neal."

"We should at least have something new by now. Is there anyone else we can put on the job?"

Peter sighed. "Hughes won't allow anyone else. He already thinks we have too many people on this already."

"Has he thought about the consequences of having someone as smart as she, in the hands of the wrong people. Blair can hack into the pentagon for God's sake!"

"We are doing all we can. Have faith. I eventually caught you didn't I?"

I rolled my eyes. "Fine." I just hoped Blair was alright.

Blair's POV

My head pounded and my vision was blurry. I couldn't see any details of where I was except for feeling the cold, damp floor. I tried standing up but ended up hitting my head on the ceiling. I fell back down.

A little farther than my arm's length away was what seemed to be a wall. I moved towards it and touched it. I felt bars. Was I in a cage? Did my captors really think I was animalistic?

Time seemed to take to forever in this miniature jail cell. I had woken up once in a car, only to have something injected into my neck and then I went unconscious again.

"Where the HELL am I?" I shouted and my voice echoed back at me. At least my voice worked. I didn't get an answer. I huffed in annoyance. They could at least have the audacity to answer me.

The headache I had was killer. I supposed that's what happens when you get tased.

To my relief my vision started to clear. I could see that I was right. I was in a cage, in a small prison cell. The bars had water droplets methodically dripping off of them, causing a hollow drop sound each time one hit the ground.

The cage was maybe 6 feet in both length and width and 5 feet in height.

For once I hated being fairly tall. I couldn't stand up straight in it.

A door slammed behind me. I whipped around to see a tremendously large man stalk towards me. I scrambled back to the other edge of the cage, pressing my back to the bars.

He unlocked the door, reached in and grabbed my arm, pulling me out. He blindfolded me and dragged me along out of the small room my cage was in.

After a a minute of blindly being lead somewhere, I was sat in a chair, tied up and the blindfold was ripped off of my head, catching a few of my hairs.

Enigma stood in front of me with Carter lurking in the shadow. He wore a mask, hiding part of his facial features except for his blinding smile. "You were out much longer than expected, about two days."

"You didn't just tase me did you?" I asked, ignoring the statement.

"And why's that?" Enigma fired back.

"Because if two days has passed like you said, then I shouldn't have gone unconscious."

"Smart girl."

"Thanks. So what drug did you use on me?" I shifted in my seat.

"How do you know you were drugged?"

"My head's throbbing as though I've been hungover-"

"You've been hungover?" Enigma inquired, too interested for my liking. He started pacing around my chair in circles.

"No, but I've read about it."

"And what drug are you suggesting that I used on you?"

"I'm not done." Enigma motioned to me that I may continue. "And when I woke, I couldn't see. I have perfect vision. So a drug must've caused that, unless I hit my head..." My voice trailed off. "Did I hit my head?" As I said the question, I could vaguely remember something striking my head after being tased.


Finally, not another question. "Oh. Don't I need medical attention?"


"So I'm going to be fine?"


I think I liked the questions better. I was also alarmed at the fact that he'd replied 'no' to my last question. I was silent.

"Enough questions?" He asked me. He was still pacing around my chair. "No, 'why did you kidnap me'? Or 'what's going to happen to me'?

"Do you want me to ask you that?"

He stopped in front of me and knelt to look me straight in the eye. His eyes were so dark that they could almost be mistaken as black. "I want you to play the part of the victim. I want you to scream in terror when I chop off one of your fingers. I want to you pass out from the pain I'm going to cause you."

He was going to cut off a finger? I thought this guy was a thief not a psychopath but apparently, I was mistaken. I already had regretted ever slipping into the night to find Enigma, but now I was downright terrified.

I kept quiet.

"ANSWER ME." He bellowed.

I flinched and murmured a small question. "You wouldn't have brought me here just to torture me, would you?"

Enigma stepped back. "Smart girl." He placed a hand under my chin, making sure I looked in his cold, calculating eyes. "I want you to hack into the pentagon. If you're not up to the task, I'll put you in so much pain you'll wish you were dead. If you fail, I'll also put you in enough pain you'll wish you were dead and if you refuse?"

Alright, I get the picture. "You'll put me in so much pain I'll wish I was dead." I breathed heavily as I tried to wrap my head around my task.

"I'm glad you caught on." He pointed to the guard stationed at the door. "Bring her back to the cage."

They blindfolded me once again and threw me back in my cage.

I heard the door slam shut and I struggled, but successfully pulled off my blindfold even though my hands were tied.

If I were to survive until Peter and Neal found me, I'd have to hack into the government and steal some money and secrets. I could talk my way out of most things but this would probably be the first time in my life that I wouldn't be able to.

This was mostly likely the first time since my parents were murdered that I was truly terrified for my life.

Comment and vote if you liked it, and hopefully I'll be able to find a consistent schedule where I'm able to update every one or two weeks.

Constructive criticism is always welcomed but please say it nicely and tell me if there's a plot hole, also nicely please. Thank you for reading!

-Julia Stone

ENCRYPTED: Sequel to HACKED Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora